Chapter 4

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          "Where is he?" I muttered as I stood outside the school, scanning the parking lot for my little car and Justin. Both were missing. I had given my keys during lunch so he could run to McDonalds and get something other than school food, when he came back he kept my keys and now my car is gone.

          "Who are you looking for?" A girls voice came from behind me and I turned see Adrianna leaning against the school, digging through her bag.

           "Someone." I tell her, not sure if I wanted to tell her who. 

          "Who?" She asks as she finally found what she was looking for and pulled a pack of cigarettes from her bag.

          "Justin Kea? Do you know who he is?" I turn my head, giving the parking lot another look.

          "Depends on who you are?" She holds the pack in one hand and digs through her bag again with the other.

          "What?" I turn to her, crossing my arms. Why would she ask something like that?

          "Are you Kae or Sarah?" I crinkle my nose in disgust as she says Sarah. I was to busy to thinking about why who I was would matter about her telling me where Justin went to notice that she had a lighter in her hand. "Do you want one?" She asks as she pulls a cigarette from the pack. I shake my head, crinkling my nose again. 

          "I'm Kae." I watch as she shoves the pack back in her bag and lights the cigarette.

          "Then Justin had an emergency practice and he said he was sorry." She takes a drag from the cigarette, the corners of lips curling up in a smile as she does so.

          "Did he tell you not to say where to went to Sarah?" I ask. I knew that he tried to avoid her but when he did run into her he was still kind of polite.

          "Yeah. Didn't give me a reason though, just said that if Sarah asks where he was, I am to tell her I have no idea." She shrugs as she continues to smoke the cigarette. 

I nodd, not sure what else to say about it.

          "I'm Adrianna by the way." She tosses the cigarette down and steps on it with the shoe on her right foot. 

          "Kae." I sigh, before going and leaning against the wall. It had been a long day. Besides first hour, I only get to see him two other times during the day, one of them being lunch, the other being chemistry.  Ali wasn't hear today and she didn't pick up her phone when I called.

          "Do you need a ride home? I'm leaving now." She pushes her self away from the wall and turns to look at me. I pull my phone out of my pocket and check the time, sighing when I notice that my mom wasn't going to get out for another hour and that was to long to wait. I also didn't know how long Justin was going to be. I didn't have any other options and she seemed like an okay person

          "Sure." I follow her through the parking lot, passing few cars, most of them belonging to members of the football team. 

Her car was a small beaten up 2 door-thing, I can tell that its been in a few accidents due to the fact that one of the back headlights is gone and there is a dent in the side.

          "It wasn't my fault." She says as she watches me check out the damage. I nod and shrug, walking over to the passenger side and getting in. She is already in and adjusting the heat. "Where do you live?" She asks.

I quickly tell her my address and she nods. "Perfect, Only a few blocks from my house." 

As we drive down the street, I realize that she was telling the truth when she said the accident wasn't her fault, despite the fact that she looked like the type of person that would be reckless while doing things like this, she was a very careful driver. We end up at my house a few minutes later. 

          "Thank you." I climb out of the car, pulling my bag with me.

          "No problem." She slides her sunglasses on top of her head and as I close the door she slowly backs out of the driveway. 


           "Kae! Save me!" Justin says as he stumbles into my room, his equipment bag over his  shoulder.  It had been about two hours, my mom had been home for about an hour and we both decided that we were going to wait for Justin before eating dinner.

          "What's wrong?" I met him halfway across the room, placing my hands onto his shoulders.

          "I'm so tired and my head  hurts really bad.." He whines into my ear, wrapping his arm around my waist and pulling me closer. I pull back and get a good look at his face. There are bags under his eyes and his shoulders are slumped.

          "You can nap while my mom makes dinner." I give him a kiss on the cheek before pushing him towards my bed. He kicks his shoes off and throws his bag to the ground. He sighs as he tosses himself onto my soft bed. I laugh.

          "I'll be right back." I run down stairs and stop by my mom's room, telling her Justin is home. I go to the kitchen next- with my mom right behind me- and grab a bottle of Tylenol PM. I go back upstairs and up to my room. 

I sit down next to Justin and he wraps his arm around my shoulders, pulling me against his side. I press the bottle into his hand.

          "You can take these after dinner." I tell him. He looks at the bottle and smiles.

          "Thank you." He kisses my forehead before closing his eyes.


This chapter is shorter than the others but I really wanted to post another chapter.

What do you think is going to happen next? Any predictions?? 

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