chapter 5

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          "Hey!" A girl from behind me called out as I walked down the hallway at school., going to my locker before heading to lunch.

 After dinner last night, Justin had showered and then taken two of the pills, he was a sleep shortly after and I was able to go to sleep early to, making it so I woke up in a good mood.

I turned to the girl, She was one of the preppier girls at my school, one of the ones that I normally wouldnt talk to me and one of the ones that I normally would aviod completly. "Yes?" I raise an eyebrow, not sure what to say as she gets in front of me.

          "Your Justin's girlfriend right?" She runs her fingers through her straight blonde hair, smirking.

          "Yeah. Why?" Me and Justin didnt keep our realtionship a secert but I didnt think very many knew about us.

          "1. Your a lucky bitch, he is so damn cool. 2. Can you let him know that yesterday was fun?" She holds a finger for each of the things that she says.

          "What happened yesterday?" He had been at school all day and practice after school so when had he been around her?

          "He didnt tell you?" When I shake my head no, She nods before continuing. "A group of my friends decided that we were going to skip 4th and 5th period to party at the beach, it was getting really boring but after school ended Justin showed up and the real party began." She laughed and shook her head. "He is such a party animal."

          "Bye." I call out as I spin around and strom down the hall, forgetting about putting my bag in my locker.


I ended up outside, quickly finding the person I was looking for. She was leaning against the school, smoking.

I slowly walked up to her. "Did you lie about where Justin went yesterday?" I ask.

          "No. He told me to tell you that. Why?" She gives me a strange look.

          "No reason." I sigh before turning and walking away.


 I stormed into the luchroom, quickly finding Justin. He was sitting at a table, with two trays in front of him, one for me, the other for him. A couple of guys and girls stood behind him and they were all talking. When he saw me, he said something and they all left. I walk over to the table, setting my bag down and sitting across from him before turning my glare on him.

He frowns. "What's wrong?" He asks as he slides the plastic tray containing a peice of pizza and french frys towards me.

          "Where were you yesterday after school?" I ask, trying to get straight to the point.

          "Practice." He says quickly, his eyes darting to the space above my head.

          "Dont lie." I snap. 

His face pales and he looks down. "I didnt get drunk or kiss any girls, I just joked around with people and had a good time." He says once he finally looks up from the table.

          "You should have told me or inivited me or something. You shouldnt have fucking lied." I slam my hand down on the table and use the other to push the tray away.

          "Look I'm sorry. I didnt think you would have wanted to go." He slid the tray back towards me, wanting me to eat.

          "I would have wanted to go, I liked to party to and You could have atleast told me, I wouldnt care as much if you had told me." I push the tray back towards him and stand, picking up my bag and walking away. Ignoring him as he calls my name.


          "Ali!" I sigh as I walk into my 5th hour and see Ali sitting her seat towards the back. Becoming better friends with Ali was the only good thing that came out of the whole Sarah thing.

Ali has light brown hair and big brown eyes that are hiding behind a thick pair of glasses. She was a pretty girl with a nice attitude.

          "Hi." She mutters as I slide into the desk next to hers.

          "What's wrong?" She was never like this, Ali is normally a bubbly girl.

          "Nothing." As she turns to look at my I gasp. Not sure how to take the huge brusie on the side of her face.

          "What happened?" I reach out and grab her hand as she trys to cover it.

          "I tripped." She pulls her hand out of mine and puts her head down.

          "Your not a clumsy person! You dont just trip!" I whisper-shout at her, wondering why she was lying to her.

          "People fall sometimes Kae." Bryce, Her boyfriend of almost a year, said as he slide into the desk on the other side of her, giving me a dirty look as he leaned over and kissed Ali's forehead. I frowned as she tried to pull away and he pulled her head to his, whispering something in her ear, She allows him to kiss her forehead.

I turn away, not wanting to see anymore of it. Was he hurting her??


So it's 4 in the morning and I cant sleep so I wrote this. I kind of like it... :)

Let me know what you think. 

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