Please Come Back.........I Like You

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Joe's POV:

"Man, what happened to Colby?" I asked Jon.

"I don't know. Maybe we should ask Abby." he said.

"Good idea, lets go." I said as we made our way to Abby's locker room.


We went to Abby's locker room and opened the door. She was sitting on the couch on her phone.

"Hi Abby. Did you by any chance talk to Colby today?" said Jon.

"No why?" she asked.

"Because he just left the arena very upset. He was gonna ask-" he said before I covered his mouth. I couldn't let him tell her he was going to ask her out. It could ruin everything between them.

"What Jon means is that he was gonna ask me for something but he got really upset all of a sudden and left." I said.

"Urrr. O...k." she said. "Did he say why he was upset?"

"No, he left without saying a word." said Jon.

"I'm gonna call him." I said, reaching for my phone.

I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up but his phone was off.

"His phone is off." I said.

"What would he possibly be so upset about?" she asked.

Should I tell her? Maybe I should.

Abby's POV: 

"Fine we'll tell you." said Joe.

"Colby was on his way to ask you out." said Jon.

My eyes widened. He was gonna ask me out??? I can't believe he was gonna ask me out!! I am so happy right now because I realized how much I like him.

"That's amazing." I said, almost crying. "Why did he get upset then?"

"We don't know. He was on his way here and the next minute he was leaving almost in tears." said Joe.

No no no no no!!!! He must have seen what happened between me and that jerk Lucas. My heart broke into a thousand pieces. A tear fell down my cheek.

"What happened anyway?" asked Jon.

"I need to explain that to Colby before I do to anyone else." I cried. "Let me ring him."

I dialed his number and waited for him to pick up. His phone was off.

"He's not picking up. What should we do?" I asked.

We all stood there for a minute thinking about what we should do.

"Wait!!!!!" said Jon.

"What?? WHAT???!!!" I asked.

"Dang girl calm down." he said. "I was gonna say that don't you both share the same hotel room?"

A huge smile appeared on my face. I jumped onto him, hugging him tight.

"Hey, not a fan of hugging here." he said.

"You have no idea how much I love you right now." I said.

"Okay now lets go." said Jon as we all left.


We all got back to the hotel and went straight to our room. I opened the door with my key card and we all went inside.

"His stuff, they're all gone." I said, my heart breaking.

"Now Abby don't worry, he probably moved all his stuff to our room." said Joe.

"Yeah lets have a look." said Jon.

We went to Jon and Joe's room and they opened the door. We all looked inside to see nobody. Colby's stuff weren't there. More tears started flowing down my face.

"Abby." said Joe and Jon hugging me.

"Maybe he checked into another room." said Jon.

"Yeah, we need to ask to front desk." said Joe.

"Okay." I said, sniffing.


We went down to the front desk and saw the lady sitting behind it.

"Hi there." said Joe.

"Hi there, how can I help you?" she asked.

"Can you please tell me which room Mr Colby Lopez is in?" asked Jon.

She started typing on her computer and looked up at us.

"Sorry but he doesn't have a room here." she said.

"What do you mean?" asked Joe.

"I mean that he checked out half an hour ago." she said.

"WHAT??!!" we all said together.

" Yeah." she said.

"Did he have long blonde and black hair?" asked Joe.

"Yeah and he looked pretty upset." she said.

"Okay well thank you." said Jon.

I wanted to say something but I couldn't. I was too upset to say anything.

"Abby, are you okay?" asked Joe.

"We better get her to her room." said Jon.

They took me back to my room and I collapsed in tears.

"It's okay, Abby come here." said Joe.

I put my head in his chest as I cried. This was all my fault.

"What happened that he left so quickly?" he asked as Jon came in the room.

I told them both everything that happened between me and Lucas.

"Wow, that's why he left so upset." said Jon.

"I regret it so much." I said. "It's getting late. You guys must be tired. I'll see you guys in the morning."

 "Are you sure you're okay by yourself?" asked Joe.

"I'm fine. Goodnight." I said.

"Goodnight." they said as they left.

I changed into my pj's and climbed into bed. Then I heard a knock on my door. I opened it and saw Jon.

"Hi, is everything okay?" I asked.

"Yeah I just forgot to give you this." he said, giving me a small box. "It's from Colby. He was gonna give it to you when he was gonna ask you out know what happened. When he left, he looked at it and gave it to me."

"Thanks Jon. Goodnight." I said.

"Night." he said.

I closed the door and looked over at the bed that Colby slept in and I went in that one instead. I looked at the little box that Jon gave my and carefully opened it. My eyes filled with tears when I saw what it was. A heart shaped locket. I looked closer and saw and engraving.

'To Abby, will you be my girlfriend? Love Colby xx' 

Tears fell down my face. I can't believe he was gonna ask me to be his girlfriend. And what do I do? I broke his heart. I kissed the locket and put it around my neck as I fell asleep thinking about Colby.

Hatred Turns Into Love | Seth Rollins | #Wattys2017Where stories live. Discover now