We need to follow him

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Abby's POV:

It was around midnight. I couldn't sleep though. All I could think about was how my poor Colby was. Was he being fed right? Is he being tortured? I really hope not. I decided that I should go for a little walk to clear my mind. I wanted to cry but I had to be strong. Only for Colby.

I had convinced ' Colby '  that I wanted to stay with my sisters because I hadn't spent much time with them. Obviously, he didn't want me to but in the end, he let me. I told Nikki and Brie about what Lucas has done and they said they would help me, Joe and Jon to get Colby back. 

I opened the hotel door and was about to step out when I saw Lucas coming out of his room with the mask on. I quickly went back in my room and closed the door slightly as I watched him leave. He must be going to see Colby. 

" Nikki!! Brie!! Wake up!!!! " I whisper screamed, shaking them. 

" Urr, what's wrong Abby? " asked Brie. 

" It's 12 o'clock at night. Go to bed. " said Nikki. 

" Listen. I saw Lucas come out of his room. He must be going to see Colby. " I said, making their eyes snap open. 

" Really?? " asked Brie. 

" Yes. Now get up. We need to follow him. " I said. 


I texted Joe and Jon and told them to come to my room. About a minute later, they arrived and we all went down to follow Lucas. Eventually, we arrived at this old, broken down building. I felt tears fill my eyes. My Colby has been stuck there for so long and I didn't even know. I felt horrible. 

We followed Lucas into the building, being careful not to make a sound. Lucas reached a room and opened the door, leaving it open as he walked in the room. Since his back was turned towards us, we peeked through to see Colby tied up. I couldn't see him in that condition. I closed my eyes and breathed in and out. 

" So, you're back again? " asked Colby. I have to say, I missed his voice. 

" Yeah, and? " said Lucas. 

" Can you please just let me go already? This little plan of yours isn't gonna work. You might not know but I know. Joe, Jon and Abby know everything about me. They're gonna know something's up because you can't act like me. " Colby said. 

" Yeah, about that. I made some excuses and it seemed like they bought it to me. " Lucas said. 

" Yeah, you just keep telling yourself that. " Colby said. 

Suddenly, Colby saw us poking our heads by the door. His eyes widened and a smile appeared on his face. I put my finger on my mouth to tell him not to say anything. He nodded and looked at Lucas. 

" So, when is your little plan gonna happen anyways? " he asked. 

" Soon enough, and I'll make sure I give you ALL the details. " he said. 

We were about to go into the room and jump attack him when Joe's foot accidentally hit something, making a loud noise. 

" What was that? " Lucas asked. 

" I....I didn't hear anything. " said Colby. 

" Shut up. It's coming from the door. " said Lucas. 

We silently panicked and hid by the door frame as we heard footsteps come closer. 

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