He's actually here

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Colby's POV:

That's it. Abby left me. She broke up with me and left. Abby walked out of the room just as Stephanie, Hunter, Joe and Jon walked inside. I was left sitting on my bed in tears. 

"Colby, what just happened?" asked Joe. 

I just ignored him. I couldn't let Abby walk out of my life. I knew she was my one true love. I loved her too much to let her go. I pushed the duvet off me and got out of bed, holding onto my side. It hurt even more than yesterday. It was probably because I was told not to move but I was still moving. I didn't care though.

"Colby, get back here. I really don't think you should be moving much." said Stephanie.

I also ignored her and opened the door, practically limping out to try and catch up with Abby. I saw her at the end of the corridor. 

"Abby!!" I yelled, getting her to turn around.

"Colby, what are you doing??" she asked, rushing towards me. "You shouldn't be out of bed."

"I don't care. I'm not letting you go. I love you too much. You're my everything." I said. 

"I'm sorry Colby, as much as it hurts, I had to do it. I just can't risk putting your life in danger because of me." 

"Abby, it's not because of you-"

"Yes it is. Think about it. You got kidnapped by Lucas because of me. You got stabbed because of me. I don't want to kill you. I love you so much but I just can't keep putting your life in danger. You don't deserve it."

"Abby please-"

"I'm not going to be changing my mind anytime soon. I'm sorry Colby. I really am. I hope that you'll find a really nice girl some day. A girl who won't keep hurting you. Just remember that I love you." 

Before she left, she took off the locket that I gave her and put it in my hand. 

"I don't deserve this anymore. Give this to the person you love." 

Abby turned around and walked away, leaving my heart shattered. I felt ash hot tears stream down my cheeks as I watched my true love walk out of my life. My side was also hurting more than ever. Joe, Jon, Stephanie and Hunter all came out of my room with a sad look on their face. I was guessing they heard everything.

"I-I'm so sorry Colby."

I didn't say anything. I just continued to let my tears fall. 


10 months later.....

Abby's POV:

I sighed as I got to work. I moved to Seattle. I changed my name so nobody would recognize me. I now worked in a cute little jewelry shop. I found myself a job at Pandora. I honestly missed wrestling. But I just couldn't go back. I changed my appearance only a little. I dyed my hair from brown to black and made a few changes to my face. Nothing major. I just put my makeup on differently so nobody could recognize me. I also wore a simple pair of glasses. 

I made my way behind the cases that displayed all the jewelry. In one case, there was a locket that looked exactly like the one Colby had given me, except, there were matching earrings too. The locket made all the memories flood through my mind. It brought back so much pain from the past.

I looked up and saw a man with his back turned towards me. He was looking around like he'd never been here before. I guess men don't usually go to jewelry stores. I didn't recognize him so I thought he must have been passing through town. 

"Can I help you, sir?" I asked. 

"Yeah, I'm looking for a certain pair of earrings." He turned around and my heart skipped a million beats. It probably actually stopped. 

"What kind of earrings would you like, sir?" I asked, trying to change my voice as much as I could. 

"Something to match this locket." he said, pulling out that exact locket that Colby had given me. 

My breathing hitched. He was here trying to find matching earrings for my locket. I glanced and saw a smile on his face. I couldn't get over the fact that Colby Lopez was here.

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