I'll Cry If I Want To

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Jess's P.O.V

  It had been two years since I had seen Amanda. I missed her so much, and we didn't have a single way to talk to each other. I had tried looking her up of course, on every social media I could think of. But she was no where to be found, and at this point I had given up. I had gotten a boyfriend, and he seemed to care. Zack, was really sweet most of the time, and I felt kinda bad because I was basically using him to forget my Trickster.

Take a good look at agony
Force fed pass down
Time release
I'm inspired to find the liar  

Zack: Hey babe

Jess: Hey.

Zack: I just met this girl over Facebook and want to know if you wanna play a game with us

Jess: What game?

Zack: Truth or Dare

Jess: Whatever.

Zack: Ok let me add them to the chat

Lord Panda has been added to the chat

Lord Panda: Wassup my people.

Jess: Sup

Lord Panda: Anyways, Zack, you said we were playing Truth or Dare? Who's first?

Zack: Jess can go first, she picks who, and then me, then you.

Jess: Ok, L.P. Truth or Dare

Lord Panda: Truth.

Jess: Do you have a crush on anyone?

Lord Panda: This one chick from like two years ago.

Jess: Sweet. Zack, your turn

Zack: Lord Panda. Truth or Dare? 

Lord Panda: Truth bc fuck it

Zack: Whats your real name? 

Lord Panda: You aren't ready for that.

Zack: Spill

Lord Panda: Amanda Ridges.

Lord Panda has left the chat

  I stared at my phone for a secound, before rushing to send her a friend request. It was my little panda, and she had a new crush, which I couldn't stand for! I waited for her to accept for a couple minutes, getting excited when she did. Hopefully everything would be fixed.

(A/N) Sorry if this seems a bit short, but I promise they will get longer as I go. Hope you like this, Stay Awesome.

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