I'll Cry Until The Candles Burn Down This Place

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Jess's P.O.V

  "Hello? This is Charlie?" The voice on Amanda's phone said.

  I was confused, considering that Amanda said that she didn't have a girlfriend.

  "Uh... hi? Is Amanda there?" I asked, thinking that maybe it was just a friend of hers.

  "This is her girlfriend speaking. Can I take a message?" Charlie asked. I was surprised and hurt. Until I heard Amanda yelling at her.

  "Charlie, what the fuck do you think your doing? Give me my phone back! Hello?" I heard my little Panda respond.

  "It's Jess. I was wondering if you wanted to have a Video Chat sometime, just catch up, but if you're busy, that's cool." I responded, not wanting to seem to eager.

  "Sure! You can meet Charlie too! Just hold on." I heard her say. I heard pull up Skype, on what I assumed was her TV. 

Queer Fandom Queen: My Skype is Whovian3002.

  I quickly sent her a friend request and saw she immediately responded and sent a Video Request. Hitting Accept. I saw as her, and who I'm assuming is Charlie, face pop up.

  Charlie was a red-head, with green eyes. I swear her eyes lit up when she saw my Supernatural T-Shirt, and she was wearing one too, so was Amanda. Soooo, yeah. Amanda still looked the same, except now her hair was Neon Blue. Like her whole head, was neon fucking blue, and was cut into a pixie cut. Amanda still had her black as night hoodie though.

  "Hey! I'm Charlie, you're official fan girl! Today I will be giving the information that I am shipping you guys super hard!!" Charlie squealed. I couldn't help but laugh. 

  Amanda smiled slightly, as if she found it funny, but wasn't used to laughing anymore. I was curious about that, but decided not to say anything yet.

  "Hey Jess. Don't mind Charlie here, she just saw pictures of us on my phone, and doesn't realize that we're both probably a lot different now." Amanda said with a slight smile.

  "I don't mind. Remember when Nathan and Nick shipped us? I think we found out right before we pulled that prank at the school dance." I said laughing.

  "OH MY GOD! YOU USE TO PULL PRANKS AND BE FUNNY INSTEAD OF SCARY?!?!?!?!" Charlie screamed towards Amanda. Amanda just looked shocked, as if she didn't know what to say.

  "Wait. Amanda? Scary? She wouldn't hurt a fly, unless that fly came at her first. She's like the nicest person ever." I defended.

  Amanda looked at me with a look I'd never seen on her. Pure rage. As if I had done something wrong. Just before I expected her to yell at me, Charlie stopped her.

  "Calm down, Mistress of Darkness. Remember that it's been like two years that you've seen each other." Charlie said in a calming voice.

  Amanda looked at her, and I could see the anger just drip off her. I had never seen this side of her before, and the way Charlie handled it, they might as well been dating. 

  "Sorry about that Jess. I seem to have developed a hair trigger temper, since we've last met." Amanda said, sounding very formal.

  I still didn't understand what I had done to make her snap, but I guess this was normal, cause Charlie fixed the situation fast.

  "I'll be upstairs, how about you guys talk." Amanda said, standing up, giving a rather lewd sight to the camera, and walked away.

  "So, what did I do to piss her off?" I asked, when I was sure she was out of earshot.

  "You made her sound weak. And she hates that. She's made a reputation for herself here. Everyone here knows her as Satan." Charlie, said with a sad look on her face. "I git a glimpse of the girl you knew when she first got her, but that only lasted like a week. Then I guess she kinda snapped. It doesn't help that she was pretty open on her sexuality." 

  I felt a burning anger in my chest. My little panda was hurt, so she became mean. I guess it was better than her being sweet and hurt.

(A/N) I hope you guys like it so far. I'm no good at sequels, and I think this is going to take a dark turn, but hey. I'm sure it will work out in the end... maybe. Anyways that's all for now. Stay Awesome!

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