All My Invitations Disappeared

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Jess's P.O.V

       Charlie had kept me company yesterday for a while, during the time Amanda wasn't home. She had gotten them coffee, luckies, and bought them necklaces that said Partners in Crime. It was so cute to see how Charlie's face had lit up.

Things at school here had been going pretty well right now, and I was really happy. Except for a few minor problems, my senior year had been great.

Alex still wouldn't let go of the fact that I was taken, and by a girl of all people, but Nathan and Nick kept him away from me. Alex, with his stupid blonde hair, and green eyes. He kept trying to say he was the perfect boy, but different all the same. How that worked I still have no idea. Like, how can you be the perfect boy, but different? That doesn't make any sense! Anyways...

Amanda had gotten her ring fairly quick, and Charlie told me that she growled at everyone who tried to touch it. Apparently, Charlie has made it her job to update me on everything about my Little Panda. I was grateful for it, but if Charlie told me something Amanda didn't want me to know, she might get in trouble with my Panda.

At least I had some amazing news for them. I had told them that I was moving, but I hadn't told them my family was having me stay with my Aunt Marrie in London, and her apartment is right across from where Amanda is living. Charlie didn't even know, because I wanted to surprise them both when I got there.

I was starting a countdown and right now, it was 10 days left. Only Nathan, Nick, and my family know. In fact, since my aunt has a 4 bedroom flat, maybe I could get Nathan and Nick to come with.

"Yo! Ice Queen, darling." I heard Nick call out in his, I'm So Gay I Fart Rainbows And Could Probably Look Better In A Dress Than Any Chick, voice.

"Yes, you gay twat?" I respond in my scariest voice. Only Nick, Nathan, and my Little Panda knew I was joking when I used that voice.

"Remember how you asked me and Nick if we wanted to go to London with you?" He said in a voice so sweet, it could rot your teeth out.

"Yea." I replied, sounding more curious than I had wanted.

"Well... Me and Nick both got permission from our parents to go with you!!" Nathan squealed excitedly. His smile was so big and honest, that I couldn't help but smile back.

Just as we finished squealing, we noticed an angry Alex. It looked like had been there a while, and that he wanted to punch something so hard it broke his fist. It was often we saw him angry, but he wasn't really that scary,

"BAE! WHAT THE FUCK YOU BITCH!! YOU'RE MY GIRLFRIEND AND NOW YOU'RE GOING TO LONDON WITH THAT FAGGOT AND HIS DUMB ASS FAG FRIEND!!" He screamed at me. Then he paled. He had just insulted my best friend, and claimed me.

Before he could move to run, I punched him square in the face, causing him to fall. He tried to fight back and protect him, but before he could get up I kicked him in his shit. I was ready to fucking kill him, and the only thing that held me back was the image of my little panda. She always got a small crease between her eyebrows whenever I tried to kill people. I stopped with a final punch in the stomach, and walked off with Nathan to go find Nick.  

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