Maybe It's a Cruel Joke On Her

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Amanda's P.O.V

"Ello love." I heard Miss Jo call out. I just arrived home to their flat, and I put on the best smile I could.

"Hi Miss Joanna." I responded kindly. She was a nice woman, and she was really pretty with long blond curls, and brown orb eyes. She was a really pretty woman, and Charlie seemed to have a small crush on her.

"How many times do I have to tell you to call me Jo? Honestly, I'm only 23!" She exclaimed, but smiling.

I shrugged and walked up to my room. I let the fake smile slip off my face. As far as Jo knows, I'm a really happy, straight A student, who just doesn't make friends that well. I quickly did my homework and pulled out my phone.

Jess: Hey, can we talk?

Queer Fandom Queen: Sure, whats up?

Jess: Who is the girl you're crushing on? It just hit me that you said you have a crush on a girl from two years ago...

Queer Fandom Queen: You actually. I haven't gotten with anyone, but I've thought about it. How bout you and Zack though? How long have you two been together?

Jess; We were together for about a year and two months. I actually broke up with him today.

Queer Fandom Queen: Aw I'm sorry :(

Jess: It's ok. He caused to many problems for me to be upset about it.

Queer Fandom Queen: LOL ok. Well, i gtg ttyl.

I didn't look to see if she had responded, and I quickly got on my laptop and played Black Veil Brides for a while, while cleaning up my room. I walked downstairs about 5:00 in time for me to go eat as Jo left for work.

I didn't have much to do, so I called up Charlie and asked her to come over. She was her in like two minutes. She lived in the flat above me, so it was quick for to come and go from my place. 

  I had made cookies, so we chomped on those while having a Sherlock marathon. Series 4 was coming out soon, so we wanted to be prepared. 

  "Hey, you know that one chick you told me about? Jess?" Charlie asked after a while. 

  I looked up and nodded, hoping this wouldn't get too personal. I still loved her, and I loved that she still seemed  to be that same Ice Queen I had left behind. 

  "Well, I saw you texting her, and she seems to still like you. Why don't you guys get back together? I mean, you guys looked cute together in the pictures I'd seen of you two together." Charlie said, just above a whisper.

  She knew that this was a sensitive topic for me, but I couldn't defy her logic. But Jess just got out of a relationship, so I didn't think now would be a good time.

  I just shrugged in response. I didn't really know what to say in response. I looked down as my phone started to ring. It was Jess. Charlie grabbed my phone out of my phone and answered.

  "Hello? This is Charlie."

(A/N) I want to bring another character in this, so if someone wants to send me idea's, or even wants to be in the book, just send me some details about yourself, and You'll be in a future chapter.

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