I'll Cry Until My Pity Party's In Flames

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Jess's P.O.V

(WHHAAAA??? Two times in a row?!?!? Yep.)

It was the final year of our time at Oxford. I was super excited, because my scholarship paid off everything, and I had already published 2 novels, that quickly became number one on the charts.

We had been bunking together for all 4 years, so getting surprises were hard to put together, but thankfully, I had 3 classes away from her (She had them at night on Fridays) so that I could plan. I was always taking her on surprise dates, and now finally, I was taking our relationship even further.

I planned on proposing to her in her favorite class, Greek Mythology. I already had the ring picked out, and I knew she was going to love it. It was a black band, with a sapphire stone, cut into the shape of a heart.

I remember how she used to always fawn over the colour of the stone, and she had always loved black, so the ring was perfect. She had Greek Mythology next on Friday, which was perfect, since it was her last class on that day.

I wasn't going to see her today, since on Wednesday I don't have any classes, and most of hers are on Wednesday.

Nick and Nathan didn't get into Oxford, but did get into Cambridge together. They often visited, and I they were coming to help me put together my proposal. It would be in her very last class in Oxford. So roughly 2 days. 

I wasn't sure completely sure how I was going to do this, and I was about to just decide to tell my professor to give me about 10 to 5 minutes to propose to her at the end of class.  He was pretty cool,  so there was always that.

A/N ~ Sorry about such a long wait, for such a short chapter, but I had majors writers block for just this one chapter. I hope y'all can forgive me.

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