She's Trapped Inside This Hell That Holds Her

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Jess's P.O.V

I had been trying for awhile, and was beginning to lose hope, when she finally responded.

Queer Fandom Queen: Hey.

I noticed her name change and I couldn't help but laugh.

Jess: Hey! Long time no speak. Why haven't you been answering me? We use to be so close...

I sent that and almost instantly regretted it. I sounded as if I was desperate for her attention and I remembered how she hated desperate people.

Queer Fandom Queen: I'm sorry. The school hours are different in London. Plus, a lot more homework.

London? She's so far away... Anyways, we talked for a couple minutes before she said she had to leave. She seemed so different, a lot different from the panda I remembered. I didn't even ask her about what pranks she had been pulling.

Everything felt... strange between us. As if we were strangers, or maybe even less than that. I wonder if she had "moved on" like I had. I didn't really know what to say to her, so when we said goodbye, I didn't even bother to stop her from leaving.

The next day at school, I told my favorite yaoi cannon couple, Nathan and Nick, how I had found Amanda again.

"You didn't know?" They asked in unison, when I got to the part of how she's going to school in London. It was adorable that they had spent so much time together, that they knew what the other would say, before they said it.

"Well, no. She ran off crying before I could talk to her about it..." I trailed off, looking up to see an angry Zack walking my way. I searched my memory to see what I had done to make him mad, but couldn't find anything.

"Are you cheating on me?" He asked, pointing towards Nathan and Nick.

"What? No! These two are so gay, that when they walk outside, a triple rainbow appears." I responded angrily. He was always trying to pin something on it, and I'd finally had enough. "You know what? I'm breaking up with you! I'm so tired of your shit Zachary!" I screamed in his face.

He took a step back and looked around and realized he would get no pity. Everyone had what had transacted between us. It seemed that since Amanda had moved, everyone took a stand for me against boys. I don't know why. I hadn't changed that much. I

I was still called Ice Queen. Everyone was still mostly scared of me. But it seemed that ever since Amanda moved, everyone understood the pain I went through. Or maybe they were all scared that The Trickster would come after them if she heard about it. The secound one was more likely.

I walked home like usual and went up to my room. I was in a bit of a mood, so I decided to do something crazy, and I dyed my hair black with flaming blue tips, just to piss off the world. It wasn't odd for me to do something like this, but I didn't give a flying fuck.

The ending product was amazing, and I decided to put my black and silver facial piercings in. I knew I was being a bit more punk than usual, but I didn't care. I sat down on my bed, opened my laptop and began a new book. I was a famous author on Wattpad with almost 15k followers, and they had started to ask me for another story. So I spewed a book of one-shots and went from there.

(A/N) I know that this isn't my best work, but I connect better with Amanda than Jess, so her's aren't as good. Stay Awesome.

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