Tell Me What I Need To Do

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Jess's P.O.V

  Nick and I were halfway through our fishbowl, when Amanda ordered her 4th round of shots. So far she had done Tequila shots, Fireball Whiskey shots, Jello shots, and now was about to do Death shots. I had almost forgotten her alcohol tolerance.

  I was still confused to how she barely seemed tipsy, but the rest of us were already feeling bubbly. I've always been a flirty drunk, but I'd never seen Nick or Nathan drunk. Turns out that Nick was a happy drunk. He was giggling at everything Nathan and Charlie said.

  I'm pretty sure Amanda was getting bored, and I never wanted my Little Panda to be bored. I stood up, and walked towards her. At first she seemed confused, but as soon as I plopped into her lap, she seemed to understand.

  When the waitress came back with her shots, she seemed a bit shy. She set down the liquor, and seemed to want to say something.

  "I was curious. Umm... I was wondering if you were single, and maybe interested in girls?" she asked in a soft spoken voice. I couldn't help the spark of jealousy that ran through me.

  "Well, you are pretty hot, but I'm kinda in a relationship." She responded, just before she tilted my face towards hers and kissed me.

  I wasn't sure what the girl did, but I remember getting in a fight, later that night. I don't remember what happened, but I was later told that I beat the shit out of some guy who was flirting with Amanda.

  That night... I don't remember much, but I do know, when I woke up I had bruises everywhere, and Amanda and I woke up naked with each other.


  The sun was shining on my face. I wasn't in my new room, and my head hurt like a mother fucker. I felt around for my phone, and my hand landed on someone's stomach.

  I jolted up, waking the person next to me. I looked over, and blushed as her sheet fell off of her body. Her hair was in her face, so I couldn't tell who it was. Her hair was black with a rainbow of colours flying through. Kind of like my Little Panda.

  "Jess?" She asked softly. She flipped her hair back, and her face was clear. It was Amanda, and she looked like she still might be drunk.

  "What happened last night? Last thing I remember is breaking up a fight between you and some guy." She said in her soft voice.

  "Last thing I remember is making out, to get the point across to that waitress." I said in a voice, just as soft.

  Amanda sighed, and stood up. I blushed even more, considering she wasn't wearing clothes. She didn't know, or she didn't care that she was naked, as she walked to the bathroom. Either way, when I looked down at my body, it was covered in bruises. Probably from that fight I was in, but some of them seemed like bite marks and hickeys.

  Nathan and Charlie came in, and handed me a glass of water and an advil. It was only about two minutes later when Nick and Amanda joined us again in her room. She didn't even look like she had a headache from what should've been a major hangover.

  "Just so you know Jess, if we ever have sex while sober, you're a top." Amanda said, not even flinching.

  Everyone busted out laughing, as I did a full body blush. Apparently she wasn't as drunk as I had thought she was. Before I could stand, Charlie through a pair of jeans and a shirt at me, and ushered everyone out of the room.

  How much did I drink last night? Amanda seemed so much more relaxed.

  I quickly threw on my clothes and walked out of the room to join the rest of them.

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