Make It All Feel Better

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Amanda's P.O.V

  Last night... man... it was awesome. After about 12 rounds of different liquors, I decided to do some harder stuff. Spirytus Delikatesowy. On of the top 5 strongest, yet drinkable, drinks in the world. It's a Polish Vodka, that is 100% alcohol. I had 4 bottles before I felt it hit me.

  Charlie had to help me not murder someone, since I am a very angry drunk. Hence the reason I was happy for my high alcohol tolerance. Jess won't remember much, I got her so drunk by accident. Things got a little... carried away.

  I'm not going to tell you much about, considering if I ever told anyone, meaning you reader, I could go to jail.

  The next morning, I woke up to having a hand on my stomach, then said hand, jolting straight up. At first I was worried it was the waitress from last night, but then I saw Jess. I slowly sat up, not bothering with covering myself up. I let my... newly dyed?... rainbow hair fall in front of my face, just to see what her reaction was.

  Looking through my hair, I saw a blush fly through her body. It was possible she didn't remember, hell, I barely remember, but she was polite all the same.

  I wanted to fuck with her a bit more, so I decided to act like I knew as little as she did. I'm sorry love if you are reading this, but somethings are too good to pass off.

  "Jess?" I asked softly. I flipped my hair back, and saw her tension bleed out. I also had a headache, so wasn't hard to act like I was still kind of drunk.

  "What happened last night? The last thing I remember is breaking up a fight between you and some guy." I said, making sure to keep my voice soft.

  "Last thing I remember is making out, to get the point across to that waitress." She said softly, since she had a hangover.

  I sighed and stood. I wanted to laugh as she blushed when she saw me naked. She probably didn't remember last night, but I question her about it later. Right now I just had to use the bathroom.

  I heard Charlie and Nathan walk into my room, probably to give her something for her hangover. I walked out the bathroom, and went to get Nick. We grabbed an outfit for Jess, since she was still naked. Probably.

  I walked in, dressed in BVB merch. I set the clothes down and take a swig of Jess's water, while she isn't looking.

   "Just so you know Jess, if we ever have sex while sober, you're a top." I said, not even flinching. 

  Everyone busted out laughing, as Jess blushed. Charlie picked up the clothes and tossed them at her. After ushering us all out of the room, Charlie smacked me upside my head.

  "Ow, what the fuck Charmander!?" I yelled.

  She just simply shook her head at me. We all just sat around for a while and watched netflix. It was Sunday, so school was coming up, and Jess had the same schedule as me. I was hoping that she wouldn't get too intimidated by how many people would be afraid as me, but she was pretty terrifying herself, so I wasn't too worried.


  All of us walked into school he next day, and the hallways were silent. Charlie, Jess and I were our silent, imitating selves and Nathan and Nick were being their gay as fuck selves.

  "Yo fags!" I heard someone call out. Jess and I were on them before anyone could breath.

  "What?" Jess and I growled simultaneously. I swear the guy had pissed himself, when he realized those were my friends.

  I dragged all of us into the cafeteria to make an announcement.

  "Alright bitches! I got something to say!" I yelled over the crowd. No one dared to say anything. "There are some new kids who came over here from America, and one of them is my girlfriend. You shall either call her Ice Queen, or Jess. Anything else and she herself will destroy you. I learned everything I know from her, so you know she's badass. The other two are my Gay Best Friends. Give them any trouble, and I will personally end you.. That is all."

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