It Feels Like I'm Dying

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Amanda's P.O.V

  School had been going great. I had a lot of classes with Jess, and we even shared a dorm room. But, lately she's been acting weird. A bit secretive. But, hey, my birthday was coming up in about a month, so maybe that was it. I wasn't too worried about it.

"Amanda! Don't skip Greek today okay?" I heard Nick say to me.

"Why would I skip my most favorite class ever, you dweeb?" I ask. That was totally weird of him to say, so I was a bit suspicious.

"No reason." He said, sounding too innocent.

Scoffing, I walked off. Greek was in an hour, so I didn't have any classes yet. Walking into my dorm, I grabbed a shower and pulled on some clothes.

By now, it had been 45 minutes, and it was a 20 minute walk to class. I'm never late, so I sprinted out of my dorm and headed to my class. Being an athletic little shit, I was able to get there in 10 minutes and not be sweaty.

When I walked in, everyone got quite. I couldn't figure out why, it's not like I did anything special within the past couple days. I simply rolled my eyes and got in my seat next to Jess.

Class was normal, I suppose. Except that everyone was staring at me and Jess, Jess was looking nervous, and my teacher smirked every time she looked my way. Finally I had enough, but before I could say anything, Jess stood up.

I look up at her as she walks down to the front of the class. Everyone was starting to buzz, but I just sat there, confused as to what was happening. Until Jessie got on her knee.

"Ok, so everyone knows whats about to happen, but confused little Mandy, but.. um... Amanda. We've been dating ever since high school. And um... I was wondering if you'd... uh.... marry me?" Jess said, her nerves visibly shaking.

I gulp. Everyone's eyes were on me, as I nodded my head and stared at the ring she was presenting to me. It had a black band with three blue stones in it. Just like the one I had told her about, that cause 400 dollars...

As everyone cheers, Jess bounds up the steps and gives me giant kiss. We look at each other, smile, and say one word.


A/N: Hey guys. Sorry it's been so long, and the chapter is so short, but I've had majors writers block for this story. Especially since this was about a relationship that no longer exists. But! I can't stand to leave a story unfinished, and I kind of already have the last chapter made. Not the next one, but the one after. Once again, sorry.

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