Just Means There's Way More Cake For Me

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Jess's P.O.V

  Amanda and I had been getting closer over the course of the past month, I was getting pretty confident that I could ask her out without getting rejected. It was going to be difficult though, since there was this one boy who she liked. Elie, I think his name was.

  I had planned things out with Charlie, Nick, and Nathan. I was going to be blunt, because Amanda wasn't one for beating around the bush. We video chat every night, so it's not like it was going to be hard to get a hold of her.

  Of course, I was going to be super blunt. I didn't want to scare her, because she is still my Little Panda. I was going to see what her mood was first and stuff... Hopefully everything would go according to plan.

  "Yo! Ice Queen!" I heard an annoying voice call from behind me. Over the past week or so, the new boy, Alex, has decided he was going to "fix" me.

  The only problem I have a major problem with is that, the only reason he's doing that is to  prove that he's the shit.

  "You wanna go out later? You always say you have stuff to do for school, but I took the liberty to see what school clubs you're in, and none of them have meetings to day, and tutoring isn't happening today. Not that you need it, since you're a straight A student." He said in an extremely cocky and smug tone.

  Being the bitch I am, I decided to respond.

  "Sorry I can't. I have plans to ask the girl I like out tonight. I think you might of had heard rumors about her? The Trickster?" I said, in a sickly sweet tone.

  I laugh evilly as his face pales.

 "But... but... I-I-I... t-thought sh-she m-m-moved." The boy of douchiness, studdered all the way through.

  "She did. But, She happens to be living in the country I'm going to college in. We won't be long distance for long." I replied, smiling like the Cheshire Cat as he started to shake.


  It was only like, 2 minutes before our nightly video calls. I was braiding my hair, when she finally called. I opened my laptop and saw her and Charlie.

  "Hey Jessie!!" Charlie squealed. I could tell she was excited to see how things were going to go, and Amanda just looked confused as fuck.

  "Hello, my child." Amanda said, with a soft smile in her eyes. She seemed to be thawing out a bit into her original self.

  "Sup, Panda." I said, knowing it annoyed her just a bit.

  Charlie laughed as Amanda's eye twitched, and I snorted as she flipped me off.

  "When and where darling." I asked, leaning back.

  It always made her laugh when I pulled shit like that off. We talked for a while, about nothing and everything all at once. I always felt a bit happier when I could make her smile. I was still a bit pissed about how she was hurt so bad that her Trickster came out.

  "Did Amanda tell you? We pulled a prank off together today!" Charlie squealed.

  I was taken aback when Amanda started laughing like her old self. Charlie gave me a quick rundown of what happened. Apparently, Amanda had filled up 200 balloons with rainbow glitter glue, and dropped it down on everyone in the Auditorium.

  After we finished dying of laughter, I had my chance. We were talking about how all of us were single, and I snatched at my chance.

  "Well little panda, if you want, we could always go out with each other." I said with a confidence I didn't feel.

  Amanda looked shocked. She opened her mouth to answer. Then closed it.

  "Umm..." She looked lost. Then a determined look crossed her face, and she said...

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