Tell Me Why The Hell No One Is Here

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Amanda's P.O.V

   August 30. My 18th birthday. I was actually happier today than I had been in a while. I was legally allowed to drink at a bar, and since Charlie doesn't and can't drink, she can be my driver. Also, Jess had said that she had a huge surprise for me today, so I was super curious.


It was just after school, so about 3:30, when a I heard a knock on the door. I quickly went to open the door, thinking that it was probably Charlie or something. She always tended to just break in if I didn't open the door soon enough.

I opened the door, only to be tackled. At first, I thought it might have been a sugar high Charlie, but I look up into a familiar pair of melted chocolate eyes. It took me a split secound to realize that my Ice Queen had come all the way to London.

Just before I could say something, three more bodies collapsed onto me. I looked behind Jess's head to see Charlie, Nick and Nathan. I squealed so loud, that Jo came down stairs to see what was happening, only to be super confused to see us all piled onto each other.

We laughed as she slowly walked back up the stairs, and I felt relief as they all got off of me. I was still confused, considering that means that her aunt probably lives near by.

"Ok, since you're here, I'm assuming that your Aunt Marrie lives somewhere close by, but how far do I need to walk to see you?" I asked, expecting her to say like, 3 kilometers, or something.

"Across the hall." She said smugly, with a smirk on her face. "And Nick and Nathan are living with me."

I hear Charlie squeal, and I feel a smile spread across my face. As we all got up, Jess took my hand. It seemed as if she had the tightest grip on it, but it was probably the fact I hadn't had physical contact in a while.

"So, what were you going to do today?" Nick asked. I smile, because he had always been a bit curious.

"Well, Charlie and I were going to a bar, that's kinda close to our flats." I say, not understanding their shocked looks. It took me a moment to realize that was probably cause in America they couldn't drink till you were 21.

"The legal drinking age in Europe is 18." Charlie filled in for me.

I laughed as the realization spread across their faces that Jess and Nathan could also drink. Nick was only 17, so he wasn't quite legal yet.

"Then let's go! I'm totally pumped for this." Nathan said. I laughed at his childish manner, realizing that Britain was a lot more mature than most other nations.

"You know we have to walk right? It would take longer to drive than it would to walk." I said. I wouldn't be surprised if they didn't want to, but they said they were up to the challenge.

We walked over to the Hypno, Charlie's favorite, and when I told them it was my 18th birthday, they gave us the private booth in the back. It took a little minute, but the waitress came over and we started with food. It's not especially wise to drink without eating first.

"So what are going to drink my Little Panda?" Jess asked. All of them looked up at me, curious to see what I would order.

We already knew that it was almost impossible for me to actually get drunk, at least not easily, but I still wanted to start off easy.

"How about I start out with tequila shots? At least for me, since my light, and y'all's light is different from me." I said.

After we talked for a bit, we all agreed. I would get my tequila shots, Charlie and Nick would be sharing soda pops, and Nathan & Jess were sharing a blue raspberry fishbowl.

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