I'm Laughing, I'm Crying

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Jess's P.O.V

  Amanda had been very quiet since she had walked in, but that wasn't strange. She often lapsed into silence, and we all had gotten very used to it, since 90% of the time, it was because she was thinking.

  "Did Montana seem... off... last night? She seems a bit more shy, and a bit less like a slut. Though she prob asked someone for sex last night." She said, barely audible. It wasn't strange she was asking.

  "Yea, she seemed a bit sad and quiet." I replied. She wasn't her usual self, and made me feel bad for threatening her.

  "Please don't talk about me like I'm not here." We heard an angry voice call from behind us. Montana sighed before speaking again. "I'm leaving. Just thought I'd tell you before I leave."

  "Umm... ok. Do you need money for a taxi?" Nick said. He was always a bit too nice for his own good.

  "No." Montana said bluntly. She never was one for niceties.

  We all said goodbye and went on with our lives. Things were going good for us. Nick and Nathan never really heard from their parents, but then again, none of us really do.

  The end of the school year was here before we knew it. We were all seniors, and since we all were probably going to different colleges... Well, we had decided to cross the bridge when we got there.

  It was the middle of math, when Amanda jumped up and down with glee. She bolted out of her seat, and ran up to the teacher. It was her favourite teacher, so surprised I was not.

  Mr. Swartz-Rodriguez. She shocked the whole class, when she wrapped him in a huge hug, and showed him the paper. She could barely keep still, she was so excited. I wondered which college, or university, she had gotten accepted into.

  I myself, had gotten into Oxford the year before, but since I hadn't graduated yet, they were willing to wait a year or two. I knew she was going to be grand with it, so when she climbed onto his desk, I wasn't surprised.

  "JESSIE!! I GOT INTO OXFORD WITH YOU!!" She yelled, with shit eating grin on her face. With my eyes wide, I pulled her down of the teacher's desk, and together we squealed with excitement.

  The bell rang, and together we collected the rest of us, and we left the school. To celebrate, we all went and bought some liquor, and Charlie made us all drinks. The girls can make some really good shit, like what she calls the Sonic Screwdriver. So good!

  It wasn't long before we all crashed into bed. It was a bit tiring that we all needed to go to school the next day, but we would survive. When we got to school the next day, everyone kept congratulating us for getting into one of the most expensive colleges ever.
We were hoping that we would be able to bunk together too, but hey, maybe that was a bit much.

  Amanda and I both wanted to be writers, so we would be taking the same courses, and hopefully have the same classes.

  But for now, I had just had to figure out how I was gonna get my surprise out to her. I had about 3-4 years, so maybe we'll be finished with college when it finally happens.

(A/N) Sorry that this chapter is short, but the story is almost at an end. I should have the next chapters out pretty soon.

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