Maybe If I Casted Out A Spell

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Amanda's P.O.V 

 "Sure. Should be fun." I said. I could visually see the relief in her body.

  I smiled, knowing that she probably was prepared for the worst. She pulled out a small package and opened it. Inside it were two silver bands, with black stones.

  "Ok, so I need your address, because this one," She said holding up the smaller one, with gold lettering, "is yours, my love."

  I was honestly shocked. I didn't expect her to do this. I quickly gave her my address, and we continued on with our conversations.


   It's been a week since Jess and I started to date. People looked at me with fear, but now it was different. I was back to my Trickster state and I knew it. I started pranks again, this time with my Partner in Crime Charlie, people were still scared of me, teachers still didn't touch me. Life was perfect.

  Charlie keeps trying to get me to surprise my favorite teacher, by drawing a crown on his board and writing, The only teacher able to handle Satan by themselves.

I always laugh a little inside when Charlie comes up with pranks. But, they never seem the same as when Jess came up with them. They always seem a bit more devious. It's one of the main reasons I like her.

  I remembered this one time, when I blasted Ricky Brown's car full of Rainbow Glitter Glue, Peacock feathers, and super glue. Jess had helped me make sure he didn't show up early.

  I walked into Hot Topic, or Hot Topical as I like to call it, and spotted something. Charlie and I always joked about how we were partners in crime, and I found the perfect necklaces.

  Not too big, but not overly small, they could be put together in the shape of a heart, and read in Comic Sans MS, Partners In Crime. They were also mood necklaces, so I couldn't lie to Charlie, and she couldn't lie to me.

  I bought them, and a couple fandom shirts. One of each of my major fandoms, Doctor Who, Supernatural, and Sherlock.

  Charlie and I were supposed to meet at my place, so on my way I picked up her favourite coffee, a Venti Pumpkin Spice Latte with no whipped cream, and for myself a Venti Mocha Frappuccino.

  Sorry if I sound like a major stereotypical white girl reader, but you can't blame me for knowing what kind of coffee I like.

  I walked into my flat to see Charlie had already got in and was on my laptop Skyping Amanda.

  "Yeah, I'm moving in with my Aunt, so I'll have a change of scenery soon." I heard Jess say.

  Charlie looked up and smiled. "Look, my coffee delivery is here. They send flying coffee of your choice straight into your friends flat." She said laughing.

  I could hear Jess laughing along with her, and couldn't help but toss her side of the necklace at her. Sometimes Charlie could be a sarcastic little shit, but it was fun, so I didn't care.

  "So you're moving in with your Aunt? Which one?" I asked. She only had two she liked, so this might be bad.

  "My Aunt Marrie." She replied.

  I smiled, remembering how that was her favourite aunt. She always told me stories of all the fun they had together. I was happy that she got to stay with her, I knew how much she actually hated her family. I could never remember where her Aunt Marrie lived though.

  We all talked for a while, before Jess had to go. I had forgotten to ask where her aunt lived, but she'd tell me sooner or later.

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