Maybe If You Just Knew Her Well

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Amanda's P.O.V

  It had been two years, and I still hadn't found her, until I met Zack. And of course she had a boyfriend now, who was almost as bad as Ricky. He flirted mercilessly with me, so I took advantage of that. I had him put us in a chat together, and I fucking blew my shot at surprising her! Of course he had to fucking ask.

  I accepted her friend request, then got off the internet. It was 11:00 at night here, and I was super tired. I fell into bed and fell asleep almost instantly. I dreamt of the day I told her I was moving.

"I love you too."

I was super upset, cause I knew I had to tell her. I tried to keep it to myself for as long as I could, but as soon as she said those words, I caved in.

I stood up, my hands shaking as I told her, almost in tears. I knew she would try to comfort me, but I didn't want that. I wanted her to be angry. I wanted her to make me hate her, so it wouldn't hurt. I ran off, not realizing where I was going as I got into my car.

I drove, aimlessly, until I realized I had drove to the lake. I got out of my car, and walked to the end of the dock. As I sat down, I was stuck between, running and jumping. I didn't know what to do. This was the longest I had ever been somewhere, and I felt as if I was being ripped away from my only home.

I woke up, with tears on my face. I looked up at the clock, I smacked my head against the pillow. It was already 6:30 a.m. and I had school today. I dragged myself out of bed and threw on some random clothes.

Starting my walk to school, I put in my earbuds and put on Save Rock and Roll by Fall Out Boy and looped it. I got straight A's so I knew my teachers wouldn't care that I was listening to music. London was a lot different from America, but I liked it.

My parents had put me in the student's exchange program, and apparently I was a lot smarter than most American students they usually got. I was always the first to arrive, so I silently slid into my seat, as usual.

I looked into my notifications and saw that Jess had been texting me. I felt the small smile on my face begin to form, but I held it back. I knew things wouldn't be able to be the same as before. She had a boyfriend now, and I lived in London. Hell, she probably was wasn't even interested in me anymore.

"Hey Satan." I heard through the blasting music. I looked up with my bitchface and grunted a hello towards one of the few people I could tolerate here.

"This isn't even your class Charlie. What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I was bored, so I thought I would come antagonize you, until you blew up." She replied casually.

I would swear this chick had a death wish, if it weren't for the fact that I knew she was joking. I rolled my eyes, and opened up my conversation with Jess. Looking through it, she seemed pretty neutral to the fact that she found me again, or maybe it was my own pessimism that made me think that.

The rest of the school day dragged on. It was filled with the usual cowering bodies, as everyone shrinked away in fear. In the past two years, I went from the shy Trickster, to the evil Satan, that would hurt you just for looking at me wrong. I wasn't a very nice person, but I loved to bask in the fear.

I was walking home, when I felt my phone start to buzz again. I looked down at my phone and saw that Jess had sent me another text.

Jess: Just woke up, I absolutely hate Mondays.

I decided to ignore it for now. I walked to the local cafe and ordered my usual. A venti mocha frappuccino and some pumpkin bread. Fall was coming up soon, so I was enjoying the heat while I could. I could feel my phone buzzing in my back pocket, but I just continued to ignore it.

I would deal with it later. It would hurt too much to try and hold a conversation with her right now. I ha to let my cold dead black heart get used to the idea of melting again.

(A/N) As promised a longer chapter. Sorry if she seems a bit cold right now, but you'll discover why soon. Stay Awesome.

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