It's My Party

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Amanda's P.O.V

I couldn't tell if she was upset or just tired, but I was beginning to worry about Jasmine. She had only seen me angry a couple times, and I know she was still scared when I let out Satan. Hell, even I'm scared when I let out Satan, there's no telling when I could decide I like being like that.

"Are you okay, love?" I said, wrapping my arm around her. It was about a week after I had beat the shit out of that one asshole, and we were chilling in my room, having a Sherlock marathon.

She simply nodded her head. I noticed she was falling asleep, so I snuggled the blanket up to her chin and left her to sleep. I was still worried, but I played it off.

Grabbing my laptop, I went on the school site to do my homework.


Jess had gone back to her flat, and everything was kind of boring. I called up Charlie, and she came straight over. For some reason, she never wants me to go to her flat, but it's whatever.

"Sup slut." The bitch said, as she swaggered into my place.

"Nothing much Swim Dick." I replied.

(Reader, if you got the reference, you are amazing)

Laughing, she pulled out a liquor cabinet, and began looking up different drinks. She always seemed to do this, but she never drinks them.

"Why do you do that?" I asked.

"What do you mean?" Charlie responded.

"Why do make drinks, then never drink them?" I asked quietly. I knew alcohol was a hard subject for her.

"I wanna be a bartender." She replied simply. This was news to me, since I knew she hated to be in bars, but I would always support her in everything she does.

"Well, let's got to Jess's. We can have a drink, and test your skills." I say wiggling my eyebrows.

Jess's P.O.V

I hear a knock on the door. Which was strange, because it was like 11 at night, but hey, it is what it is. I walked over to open the door, and was greeted by the biggest bitch in the galaxy.

"Hey bestie!!" I heard her squeal. "It's been so long!! I hope you aren't too mad at me from before." She said, as she threw her jacket across my living room and flopped onto my couch.

This. Bitch. I had already started planning her death, when Charlie walked into my living room, with Amanda in tow.

"Hey Je-" Amanda started before seeing Montana.

Before I could stop her, Amanda lept across the room and grabbed Montana by her very short, and very risque dress. She had kept a trench coat on ever it, so I hadn't seen it. I had almost gotten across the room, when Amanda threw the first punch.

"MaNdY!" I yelled. We had agreed long ago that I would only call her Mandy as a safe word.

(Not in that way ya nasty.)

Before she could land her secound punch, her fist stopped just a scant breath away from her face.

"Charlie, get her out of here. They a bad history, and I don't want her arrested." I said quietly.

I turned towards the Mega-Bitch, and had her follow me to the guest room. I left her there to go to sleep, but she grabbed my shoulder.

"Join me in bed, Jessie?" She asked, in a husky voice. I knew she was secretly bi, but I hadn't expected her to be so blatant that she wanted to fuck.

"I have a girlfriend." I replied.

"So? She'll never find out, I promise I won't tell anyone." Montana responded, sounding like the slut she was.

"No. If you even suggest it again, I'll let Amanda have her way with you.

(A/N) Sorry about switching mid chapter, but I really wanted to introduce Montana to the story line, cause she's gonna be important.

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