Decorations Are In Pastel Ribbons

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Montana's P.O.V

  I was packing my bag, to visit my Aunt in London, when I remember that she lived in the same area as Jessica. Not to be crude, but I had always wanted to see what it would be like to have sex with her.
  "Hurry, sweetheart! You're going to be late for your flight!" I heard my mom call out. I rolled my eyes at her, sometimes she was so annoying.
  I grabbed my bags and walked down to my flight. Underneath my trench coat, was a short, black lace dress. If this didn't have Jess begging for me, I don't know what would.

   I hopped into my Silver BMW 5 Series, and drove to the airport. Originally, my mom wanted to come with me, but I didn't want to have to talk to her. I looked towards the clock.

  It was 1:30, and my flight was at 2:30. I wouldn't be getting to London till late, and I told my grandma that I was bunking with my "friends" to night.

  Hopefully that bitch Amanda wouldn't be there, because while I wanted to screw Jess up the wall, I didn't want her to find out. She had always been wary of me and she had like, no self-confidence.

  I got to the terminal just in time to get on my flight, and in what felt like forever, I arrived in London. I quickly told the cabbie Jessie's address, and hopped in.

  It took about 20 minutes, and then another 10 to walk up the stairs. I quickly knocked on the door, not caring if I woke her up. If she was sleepy it would be easier to coax a yes out of her.

   "Hey bestie!!" I squealed. "It's been so long!! I hope you aren't too mad at me from before." I said, as I threw my jacket across her living room and flopped onto her couch.

  I was ready to drag her towards me, when some red head walked into her living room, with Amanda in tow.

  "Hey Je-" Amanda started before seeing me.

  Amanda leapt across the room and grabbed me by the neck of my dress. I had kept a trench coat on ever it, so no one had seen it. Jess had almost gotten across the room, when Amanda threw the first punch.

  "MaNdY!" I heard someone call.

  Before she could land her secound punch, her fist stopped just a scant breath away from my face.

  "Charlie, get her out of here. They a bad history, and I don't want her arrested." Jess said quietly.

  She had me follow her to the guest room. She went to leave, but I grabbed her shoulder. I didn't come all the way here, just to fail.

  "Join me in bed, Jessie?" I asked, in a husky voice. She knew I was secretly bi, so hopefully she would understand what I meant.

  "I have a girlfriend." She replied. I was getting frustrated but, I wasn't about to give up now.

  "So? She'll never find out, I promise I won't tell anyone." I responded, probably sounding like a slut. But at the moment I didn't care.

  "No. If you even suggest it again, I'll let Amanda have her way with you." She responded darkly. I stood there, shocked as she walked away.
  I walked back into the room, and quickly changed into pajama pants that stopped just a bit below my ankles and a tank top.

  Laying down, I smiled. As long as Jess was happy, I'd be happy too. Though she may not realize it, I'm not really a slut and I regret being mean to her and even that bitch, Amanda.

  I sighed and packed up my bags, so I could leave quickly in the morning. The only thing I left out, was an outfit for tomorrow.

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