I Can Cry If I Want To

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Amanda's P.O.V
  "THAT BITCH IS HERE TO FUCKING TAKE JESSICA!! I KNOW SHE IS!!" Amanda called out. Charlie was with her, so she wasn't breaking anything.

  "Why though? Doesn't she live in Missouri? And she seems like the type of person who would want to keep an eye on their partner at all times." Charlie responded, calmly.

  "She's still mad at me for breaking up with her. She was in the closet so no one really knew about it." I replied. "Not even Jess."

  Charlie looked shocked, because she knew I didn't like to keep secrets from Jess. I had thought about telling her, but I didn't know if she knew about Montana. Sighing, I got up and grabbed a cup of coffee.

  "Manda! Please come out of the kitchen!" Jess begged. I was pissed, and I was thinking about eating her not-so-secret stash of cookies.

  "IS THAT BITCH GONE!!??!" I screamed towards her. I was fuming. That bitch was here to take my girl, probably as revenge for our past. I was still mad about that.

  "She's in the guest room for now. She'll probably leave in the morning, don't worry about it." Jess said, trying to calm me down.

  Sighing a mumbled something along the lines of whatever, and walked to my room. But, before I could make it all the way to my room, I heard soft cries coming from the guest room.

  I remembered how Montana had nightmares pretty often, so I decided that was what that was. I walk into my room, lock the door, and try to go to sleep.


  It was the next day, Jess told me Montana was still asleep, which was strange, since it was like noon. I packed my school bag for tomorrow, and made myself a cup of coffee.

  "Manda?" I heard a soft voice ask. I turned around to see a very sleepy, and a very scared, Montana.

  "What!?" I growl at her. I had just woken up and I wasn't prepared for her bullshit.

  "Do you know where, WC1H 3ZP 85 Crown Street, is? That's my Aunt's place, and the actual reason I'm here." Montana explained quietly.

  Nodding, I grabbed an old GPS I had planned on selling, type in the address, and handed it to her. She nodded her thanks and disappeared back into the guest room. For some odd reason, I found myself following her, maybe more out of worry, because she had heavy bags under her eyes, and her nose was slightly red.

  Just before I opened her door, I stopped and quickly walked towards to Jess. I was curious if she had said anything last night before she had laid down, probably about sex, but was more curious as to if she seemed off.

  I wonder off into her flat, and see she's with Nick and Nathan. They were playing Chess, and they seemed relatively happy. I walked into the room and sat next to Jess.

  I contemplated how I should ask my question for a couple minutes, before just blurting it out.

  "Did Montana seem... off... last night? She seems a bit more shy, and a bit less like a slut. Though she prob asked someone for sex last night." I said, voice barely above a whisper. I didn't want to be too mean that morning, and I felt like I had drank 20 bottles of Mexican Tequila.

  "Yea, she seemed a bit sad and quiet." Jess responded.

  "Please don't talk about me like I'm not here." We heard an angry voice call from behind us. She sighed before speaking again. "I'm leaving. Just thought I'd tell you before I leave."

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