Chapter four

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The next morning, my alarm goes off, even though it's fall break, I must have forgotten to turn it off the night before. I look at my watch, it's only 6:15 and I could go back to sleep, if I wanted to, but I'm already up and I have plans today.
I get up and head to the bathroom, messing with the faucet until the water is the perfect temperature. I stay in the shower longer than necessary because it's early and no one else is up, then I get dried off and dressed for the day, tossing Eli's letterman jacket over my shoulders. My phone buzzes.
"Hi Emma, I hope I didn't wake you up. I was thinking maybe we could go grab a coffee."
"Hey Sarah, you didn't, and yeah, that sounds great, I'll be over in ten."
"Oh. I'm already in your driveway." I laugh.
"Well, then I'll be out in a few minutes."
"Awesome. Kayla is with me too, say Hi kayla." I hear a sound that could pass as a "hello" and laugh again. "yeah.. Kayla isn't really a morning person."
"You know this yet you still drag me out of bed before the sun comes up." Kayla says in the background.
"I'm gonna let you off here. See you in a bit!"
After having coffee, we head back to my house to wait for the mall to open.
"So does anyone have plans for halloween?" Kayla asks.
"So far, no, unless you consider taking a bunch of screaming six year olds trick-or-treating plans." Sarah says.
"You'll be done before dark, right?"
"Should be, why?"
"My parents will be at a party late and I'll have the house to myself, so I figured we could buy some candy and food, rent some scary movies and just chill."
"That sounds great." I say.
"Yeah, I'll be there for sure." Sarah adds.
"Awesome! I can make cupcakes or cake or something."
"Oh! And I'll order a pizza." Sarah says.
"I can bring soda and candy."
"This is gonna be so fun!"
"Yeah, it will be."
After the mall, we catch a late movie, then go back to Sara's house for the night.
"What should we do? Play a board game? Watch Tv?"
"Do you have any nail polish?"
"Yeah. Oh! We can have a spa night! I'll go make tea and cookies, you guys can get the nail polish and stuff out." Kayla and I go into Sara's room and start getting everything out.
"How are you doing?" Kayla asks, the way she asks is cautious, like maybe she isn't sure if she should be asking.
"I'm doing okay. I have those days where it feels like the day it happened, but i'm okay."
"That's good. I was so worried about you. We are were."
"Did people talk? When I was out sick?"
"Kay, it's okay, I can take it."
"Of course they talked, but it doesn't matter, it's irrelevant."
"What did they say?"
"Mostly that they felt bad for you, those people weren't so bad, it was the ones who acted like they knew what they were talking about."
"It doesn't bother me." Sarah comes back in.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah, we were just talking about how people at school are too nosy."
"I second that one. The cookies and tea are done."
"Awesome! Let's start our spa night then!"

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