chapter twenty-one

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When I get home, I pull my letters out and find open this when you miss me. I open it and start reading.

Dear Emma, If you're reading this letter, I miss you too. I know it's been a while since we've seen each other, and I want to change that more than anything, but since I can't right now, this letter is the best I can do. You can call me anytime you want, your voice is my favorite sound. I love you and I hope we'll see each other again soon.

I smile, blinking away tears. I get up and frame the letter, hanging it by the others.

"Oh, there you are." My mom says. "Dad will be home soon, I thought we could go out to dinner, if you're feeling up to it."

"Sure, that sounds nice."

"Are you ok? It looks like you've been crying."

"Yeah, I walked to the little roadside memorial. It was just... weird seeing it for the first time, you know?"


"I need to bring something the next time I go. like flowers or something, Or maybe I can laminate a picture of us and bring that."

"A picture would be a good idea."

"Yeah, I think flowers would make me sad, because flowers die and I'm trying not to think about anything dying right now."

"Flowers make me sad too, sometimes."


"Yes. When I was your age, your father got me flowers for valentine's day, I kept them in the sun and changed the water every day, but it didn't make a difference, they still died. I cried for two hours straight, and your dad felt so bad that he bought me chocolate and a teddy bear." She laughs. "He's always been such a gentleman. He even apologized for the flowers dying." Now I laugh.

"Your stories are always the best." I say.

"Well, I'm glad you like them."



"I think I'll go to school tomorrow."

"Are you sure honey? I mean, even the nurse said you should take a few days off."

"Yeah. I'm sure."

"I'm very proud of you, Emma. But if you need me to come get you, go to the office and give me a call, here, I'll write you a note saying you can call if you need me. Do you have a pen and paper?" I laugh.

"Mom, I'll be ok, I promise."

"I would feel better if you had a note, I know they won't have a problem with you calling, but just in case, you know?"

"Okay." I get a pen and paper from my backpack and hand it to her.

"Thank you. Go ahead and get ready, dad will be home soon."

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