Chapter Twenty-three

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"Oh! Emma, you're here, I wasn't expecting you to be here. How are you feeling?" Kayla asks.

"Better. I think I just needed a break, and some sleep." She looks at the note in my hand.

"What's that?"

"A note from my mom saying that if I need to call her to come and get me, they need to let me. I told her it wouldn't be an issue, but she insisted. And maybe I will need it, who knows." I say. "I should give this to them, walk with me."

"You didn't miss much yesterday, we have a test in English today, but you won't have to take it." We go into the office and I hand the note to one of the office ladies, she reads it and smiles.

"Emma, your mom didn't have to send a note, we would have let you call and go home if you needed to."

"I know." I say, smiling back. "She was just really worried, and she wrote the note just in case."

"Ah, well, if you need to call her to come get you, don't hesitate to come down here."

"Okay. Have a nice day."

"You too." We go to class next, getting there one minute before the bell rings.

"Emma, it's so nice to see you. How are you feeling?" The teacher says.

"Much better, thank you."

"We have a test today, but I won't have you take it." He pulls a folder out. "Let me get you a study guide."

"Thank you."


When I get home from school, I go straight upstairs and start on my study guide. Mom comes in.

"How was school today?"

"Good. I did really great."

"That's great, honey. What are you working on?"

"A study guide, for English."

"I'm glad you had a good day, Emma, I was so worried."

"I knew you would be, I gave the note to one of the office ladies, by the way."

"Did she say anything?"

"Just that they would have let me call you anyway."

"Oh, well, I have to worry, it's my job." She says.

"I know it is." I say.

"How are your friends doing? It seems like it's been so long since they've been over here."

"They're doing great. Kayla got an A on her English test and Sarah is doing an internship for journalism over Christmas break, so she's really excited about that."

"That's so good to hear." She says. "You know, your dad and I are going out this weekend to see a movie and get a bite to eat, you should invite them over, I'll leave you guys money for a pizza, and you can rent some movies."

"I think that sounds really fun." I say. "I'll call them here in a little bit."

"Okay. I'm going to the store, do you want to come? We can get a coffee while we're out."

"Sure. I need a break from studying anyway."

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