Chapter sixteen

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The next morning, we all wake up around the same time. I yawn and stretch, going to the kitchen for coffee.
"Hey. Let's go to Starbucks for coffee this morning. I want something festive." Kayla says.
"Ooh, yeah, me too."
"Sounds good to me, then I won't have to make it." I say. I run upstairs to change and grab my wallet. Then I leave a note for my parents and we leave.
There are a lot of people in this place, and it feels stuffy and hot. My chest tightens and it's hard to breathe.
"Emma? Are you ok?"
"Um, yeah, j-just too many people."
"We can just get the coffee to go, and go to the park so it's a more open space."
"Can you order for me?"
"Of course, what kind of coffee do you want?"
"Just a pumpkin spice latte. With extra whipped cream."
"Okay. Why don't you go wait outside and get some fresh hair, you look like you're about to pass out."
"Yeah, that's probably a good idea." I make my way through the crowd and go outside, breathing in the cool fall air. I begin to feel more relaxed, so I go to the car and wait. Ten minutes later, Sarah and Kayla come out.
"Do you want to the park or just go home?"
"Park. I need some fresh air."
"Okay. Park it is then."
We sit at one of the empty picnic tables at the park and drink our coffee, then we go on the walking trail.
"This is so pretty." Sarah says. "This is why I love fall. So many colors."
"And the temperature is perfect." I add.
"And it smells great out here." Kayla says. "We need to bring our bikes out here one day. This is a good trail for bike riding."
"Yeah, and we can collect pine cones too, and maybe paint them for decoration."
"Ooh yeah! I have a ton of different paint just kind of sitting around from my artist stage that we can use, brushes too."
"I have a basket on my bike, so we can put them in there." I say.
"How does Saturday sound?"
"Perfect." Sarah and I say together.
"Awesome. It'll be a good way to end fall break."
"Ugh, don't remind me." I say, laughing, even though I'm only half joking.

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