Chapter twenty-five

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The next morning, theres a note on my bedside table. I open it, its from mom and dad.

Emma, come downstairs when you wake up, we have a surprise for you. Love, mom and dad. I get up and head downstairs. Mom is holding a tiny grey kitten.

"She's yours." Dad says.

"She's so cute! Thank you guys so much! Whats her name?"

"That's up to you, honey."

"I think I'll call her Callie." Mom comes over and hands me Callie, she purrs and nuzzles her head against my cheek. "Oh, she's perfect! I love her so much."

"We thought you would. She can sleep in your room if youd like that, and later today, we can go shopping for her." Dad says.

I would love that! But will she be ok alone? Shes just so tiny.

"I think she'll be alright, we could always go to the pet store in town and bring her with us."

"I like that idea." I say. Callie meows and blinks up at me. "You are so cute." I coo. She blinks again. I pet her, scratching behind her ears and under her chin, she purrs and coos, shutting her eyes. "Oh, I love her." I say again. I sit her down and she roams around the house. "Do we have a carrier we can bring her in?"

"We do. Are you ready to go?"

"Yes, can I ask Kayla and Sarah along? I think they would want to see Callie."

"Of course." I call them both.

"Okay, they'll meet us there."


"She is so cute!" Sarah shrieks. "Can I hold her?"

"Oooh, me next!" Kayla says.

"Sure, she loves attention." We go into the pet store. "Let's go get her some toys and a bed while mom and dad get the cat food." I say.

"Look at this! I think she'd love it!" Kayla holds up a cat toy with glittery streamers attached to a stick.

"She definitely would! Hey, let's each pick out two toys for her. And then, it can be like a surprise." I say.

"I like that idea." Sarah says. We go our separate ways, and, ten minutes later, come back with toys.

"They're all so perfect!" I squeal. "Now let's go find her a bed."

"My cat sleeps everywhere except her bed." Kayla says, laughing. "But Callie seems like she'd like a bed." Sarah laughs and points behind me.

"I think she found one." We turn around and see Callie, who's curled up in a bed thats at least three times her size. Its light purple with little gold stars and a fluffy inside.

"We'll get this one. She already seems attached to it." I scoop Callie out of the bed. She meows and looks at me. "Its ok, we're getting the bed you chose." I say. We grab the bed and go to find my parents.

"That's a cute bed. Who picked that out?" My dad asks.

"Callie." We say together, laughing.

"I got the kitten food and some treats. I also got a small litter box and some litter." Mom says, "Oh, what a cute bed."

"Callie picked it out." I say.

"You girls picked out some cute toys too, she'll love them." Dad says. We check out and head home. Sarah and Kayla follow us home and help set up everything for Callie.

"Can you guys spend the night? My parents are going out and I figured we could order a pizza and rent some movies."

"That sounds great, actually." Sarah says.

"Yeah, it's been a while since we've done that." Kayla agrees.

"Awesome! We can play with Callie too."

"I'll leave you girls some money for pizza."

"Thanks, mom." I say smiling. "Have fun on your date."

"We will." She and dad hug and kiss me and they head out.

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