Chapter five

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The next morning, I wake up before anyone else, so I decide to get dressed and ready for the day. By ten, everyone else is up.
"So, what's the plan for the day?"
"Let's watch movies." Kayla suggests.
"Sounds good to me, Emma is that okay with you?"
"Yeah, that sounds great. I'm gonna go make breakfast."
"Ooh! Make pancakes." Sarah says.
"Okay, I'll make coffee too."  I go over to the stove to start breakfast, then I start thinking about the first time I stayed the night with Eli, I woke up and went downstairs to fresh coffee and pancakes with syrup and fresh fruit.
"I really hope this is okay, I wasn't even sure if you like pancakes, or coffee." I smiled and walked over to him.
"This is perfect, I love it." I kissed him.
"I love you, Emma."
"I love you too."
"Emma?" Kayla's voice pulls me from the memory.
"Hmm? Sorry."
"Are you okay? You spaced out."
"Yeah. I was just.. thinking, about Eli, the pancakes and coffee reminded me of something he did for me once."
"Oh. I'm sorry, if I knew that I would have just asked for cereal or something.." Sarah says, turning bright red.  I smile and shake my head.
"No, it's okay. It was a happy memory."
Later that night after everyone else is asleep, I pull the letters from my backpack and open "open this when you can't sleep."
                     "Emma, I'm sorry you can't sleep, I wish I could be there for you, to help you fall asleep, but since I can't, I'm writing this letter. Maybe some tea or soft music will help, or maybe read until you feel tired enough to sleep, you can even call me if you want, I would love to hear your voice again. But anyway, I love you and I hope you're able to fall asleep soon."
I smile, folding the letter back and carefully place it back into the envelope, I put the envelope into my bag and shut my eyes, I may not sleep, but that's okay. I call Eli's number, just to hear his voicemail, the one we made together our sophomore year, and lie in the darkness listening until I fall asleep. 
The next morning, I wake up to the smell of coffee and the sound of my friends talking. I get up and go to the kitchen.
"Good morning, Emma." Sarah says, handing me a cup of coffee. "Sugar and creamer, just the way you like it.
"Thank you, I definitely need this, I kind of had trouble sleeping last night."
"Oh no, why? Were you comfortable enough?" She asks, concern washing over her face.
"Oh yeah, it wasn't that, I just have trouble falling asleep sometimes, it started after Eli... after the accident."
"Oh, yeah, well if you ever need to talk, I'm here."
"Me too." Kayla says.
"Thanks, you guys." I say smiling and taking a sip of coffee. "Ahh, perfect."
"Glad you like it. My mom buys decaff, so I was worried it would taste weird."
"It's good. And If I drink regular coffee I get jittery and it's kind of annoying, so it's probably for the best." Sarah laughs.
"We've both seen what happens when you drink regular coffee, but it's cute." Kayla says.
"Yeah, and quite entertaining."
"See? I'm funny sometimes."
"What movie should we watch first?"
"Something scary."
"Ooh yeah! I'll make popcorn." I say. "You guys pick a movie, anything works, but please, not The Ring, you guys know how I feel about that movie."
"Oh my God, do you guys remember when we were kids and we all snuck downstairs after my parents went to bed and watched that, and them we woke them up by screaming?"
"Yes, and then they had to stay up with us the rest of the night because we thought it was real."
"That was a disaster, but it's funny now." I say from the kitchen.
"Most of the stupid stuff we did as kids is funny now." Kayla says. Once the popcorn is done, we all sit around and watch scary movies all day, and then once It gets dark, we play with some sparklers Sarah found in the storage closet. 
"We need to do this every day." I say, lighting another sparkler.
"Let's do it then, it's fall break, nothing is stopping us."
"Except the fact that we'll probably be out of sparklers before the night is over."
"I bet I have more around here somewhere."
"Sounds like a plan then."


Okay, so Instead of starting a new chapter, I added more to this one! If I made any mistakes, let me know! As always, thanks for continuing to read and support this story! I will have a new chapter up every Wednesday, Friday, and Sunday!

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