chapter twenty-nine

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School is closed the next day and the county has announced a state of emergency, so none of us go outside. It's too cold to do anything. Dad comes in, he's on the phone with someone.
"And if we do lose power, how long would it take to come back?" I don't hear the response, but by the look on dad's face, it must be a long time. "Yes, we actually do have a generator, it should still work. Okay, thank you." He hangs up.
"What's up?"
"They're saying we could lose power, but we may not. There's a lot of ice on the power lines, so they're worried about that, and since it's a state of emergency, they said it could be out as long as a week."
"A week? Can we use the generator that long?"
"I'm sure we can, yes, I just hope we don't have to. It's so cold out.. and blankets can only do so much." I look out the window, it finally stopped snowing, but everything is white that it's blinding.
"Well, let's hope the power stays on."
"Let's hope so." My phone chimes. It's Kayla
Can you believe this weather? School is canceled again tomorrow, that is the only good thing about this. Do you have power? We still do.
I know it, and yeah, we do, for now at least.
Good, I hope we don't lose power.
I know.. It's entirely too cold for that.
Yes, it is. How are you doing?
Better, I've just been feeling.. off lately, you know? But I'm ok.
Good, if you ever need to talk, I'm here.
Same goes for you. 
I slide my phone back in my pocket. Mom comes in, her hair still messy from sleep. Dad kisses her.
"Good morning, Emma. Did anyone make coffee?"
"No, but I can." Dad says. She hugs him.
"Oh, thank you. It is so cold today. I didn't want to get out of bed."
"I feel that, it's almost too cold to function." Dad says.  "We may want to get the generator set up, I was on the phone with the electric company and they said that since there's so much ice on the power lines, we could lose power."
"Oh no... that isn't good. Did they say how long?"
"A week, at least."
"Hopefully it will stay on. It's way too cold to lose power." Dad starts the coffee while mom makes breakfast. After breakfast, we watch a few movies. By two, the snow has started up again, lighter now, but not showing any signs of slowing down.
"When they said snow storm, they meant it." Dad says.
"They sure did." Mom adds. "You know, the last time we go this much snow, I was pregnant with you, Emma, we didn't live here yet, we lived in a little one bedroom apartment, I remember being so worried about not being able to leave the house, in case something would have happened with the pregnancy, I was very paranoid, seeing as you were my first baby, and I was completely clueless, but luckily nothing happened."
"How long did we live in the apartment? I don't remember it at all."
"Oh, we moved about a month or so after you were born, it was an easy move, partly because we didn't have a lot of stuff, and partly because you were such a good baby, mostly because you were such a good baby."
"We heard from everyone how hard it was to move with a baby, and that we should wait until you were a little older, but it just felt right, and I'm glad we did. A month later, the building caught on fire."
"Seriously? Was anyone hurt?"
"Several people. It was so sad, your dad and I cried when we saw it, we were upset for a week. Just thinking about how if we had stayed.. It was such a terrifying thought."
"Oh.. that's awful."
"It was. Very scary and sad, we're grateful every day we left when we did." Mom says. "Anyway, just a little story for you."
"Thank you, for telling me." I say. Most teenagers don't like to hear their parents stories, I happen to love them.   "Of course."
I'm beginning to wish school would open again, everything is entirely too still and quiet, giving me too much time to think, but there's still a state of emergency, and there's still a risk of losing power, so we're closed again.  I've tried reading, watching tv, and reorganzing my room, but I'm still feeling antsy.
"Emma? Are you ok honey?" Dad asks. "Fine. Just a little antsy. Too much being cooped up inside, I guess."
"Well, if you want, you can help me clear snow off the driveway."
"Okay. I'll be out in a minute." I get dressed in warm clothes and head outside, hoping this will help me.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 18, 2018 ⏰

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