Chapter six

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        The next morning, I'm home again.
  "How was Sarah's?" My mom asks.
"Fun, where's dad?"
"He works until five today, I figured when he got home we could go out to get pizza."
"Yeah, that sounds great." I say.
"What's in the envelopes?"
"Letters Eli wrote me, I think he wanted to give them to me before he went to college, but... Anyway, his mom found them and gave them to me."
"Oh, well that was nice of him to do."
"I've read some of them, they're really cute. I can tell he put a lot of time and effort into them." 
"You guys made a such a cute couple, and I am so sorry about what happened."
"Thanks, mom." I say, smiling.
"Do you want to go shopping? Maybe we can find a prom dress for you."
"Oh, I'm not.. I decided not to go to prom this year, it wouldn't feel right. But we can still go shopping."
"Sounds good to me. Let me go get changed."
"Okay, let me go grab my wallet."
"Don't bother, it's my treat."
"Oh, thanks." I say. She hugs me.
"You're welcome sweetie."
"That sweater looks great on you, mom, you should get it."
"You really think so? I don't know if grey is my color."
"Grey is definitely your color."
"Hmm, it is cute. And I do need a new sweater, I think I'll get it."
"Oh! And get light colored jeans and black boots, it would look perfect together."
"I'm glad you know something about fashion, because I'm clueless."
"You're not completely clueless, just a little."
"Fair enough. You should get one too, Emma, but in mauve."
"Mauve???" I say in mock horror. "Okay, maybe you are completely clueless."
"Hey, mauve is cute."
"Eh.. You know what's cuter?"
"Alright, I'll give you that, black goes with anything, so that's a plus."
"I think I'll get a black sweater and some pink jeans, what do you think?"
"Depends on the pink, are you thinking like a hot pink or a light pink?"
"Hot pink."
"Yeah, I think that would look good together."
"Oh, and some white converse."  I say, wandering over to the shoes. "Or grey because they don't have white in my size." I say, picking up the box.  "Well, I got my outfit.
"Let's pay for this and go grab a coffee and a pastry."
"Sounds perfect."


So this is my first update, I'll have another one up later today to make up for not having a chapter Wednesday! Now that I'm writing on this story again, it seems to be flowing a lot better than it was before!

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