Celestial Meets Salamander

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A/N: I'm gonna try harder for this chapter anyway ITS NALU TIME BABY HA BEAT THAT TRASHIDY!NOT GRATSU BUT NALU...that's something personal, but anyway NaLu time, finally right? (in this Wendy is Nastu's sister)

Natsu's POV

I had to wait till night to escape, and even longer for my father, igneel, my younger sister, Wendy, and older brother, Zeref, to fall to sleep. When they were snoring, I left. At first I had zero idea of where to start, but then I heard a voice. I followed it until I saw a girl among the twelve zodiacs.

Before she could spot me, I hid the camera and pushed record. She noticed me and came my way. She had lengthy blonde hair and was wearing a pink shirt with simple brown shorts. Her boots came to her knees and on her belt were keys. Vanilla? She smells like vanilla, I like it.

"Hi, I'm Lucy!" the blonde offered her hand to me. I shook it.

"I'm Nastu! Where are you from? Wait no, that's not the right question... oh, that's right. Are you the girl from the Celestial rumor?" I said after a lot of confusion from my end.

"Haha..., yes I am, why do you ask my salmon haired friend," she asked me after laughing.

"SEE ITS SALMON NOT PINK!" I yelled as if I was about fight someone. She started to laugh even more. I don't know why, but I joined her. We laughed for what felt like hours.

"Why are you out here this late, its midnight," she asked as she regained her posture.

Ummmm...oh no!What should I say?

--Lucy's POV--

He froze, he looked like Erza when I asked her of her past. "It's okay if you don't wanna tell. Everybody has a reason for doing what they do," I reassured him and it seemed to work.

"Its okay... I came out here cause I was bored. Also I decided to come see you," he said with a toothy grin. The last part made me blush. Ok then, oh wow. "So why are you here?" he asked me and I froze for a moment.

"Well you see I'm part of an old myth, The Child Of The Stars. Have you heard of it?" he nodded, "Well then you know the story," I told as I stared of into the stars.

"I want to know the real story though," he said as he rested his hand on my shoulder, "but I'm not gonna force you too." I didn't want to tell, but for some strange reason I felt as if I could trust Natsu.

"Ok long, long ago there was a child who would play among the stars.One day, the stars decided to bless the child with magical abilities. After the child had new powers, she went to tell her father. When he saw her new abilities, he became cold towards her and she didn't know why. It turned out her mother was also blessed by the stars, and it became her downfall. She had used her powers to save the child, the child's sister, and the father.The child out of grief, left her home and journeyed out into the world. She first found the zodiac animals and befriended them. They were her only friends she had. She decided to look for her missing sister, all though she never found her. Depressed, the stars gave one more gift, she'll live with the stars,"  I finished and Natsu had tears in his eyes. He pulled me into a bear hug.

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