Joining The School?

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A/N:Hey guys I've actually published the first part of 'Death School' so check that out.All the  ships that are in this book is in that book.The ships 4 this chapter and every chapter from now on will be the same ships in the last chapter.

--Laxus' POV-yay a new person's POV--
I was at school in third block when gramps called me up to his office.

"What is it Gramp-WHAT ARE YOU GUYS DOING HERE?"I yelled.In front of me was Erza,Lucy,Juvia,Levy,and Yukino.

"We decided to try school out!", Yukino said.The others smiled and nodded.Erza just asked gramps which classes they had and which ones Jellal had.

She turned and handed the schedules to the owners of them and thanked gramps."Laxus your showing us around!",Levy said as she and the girls walked out of the office.

"So what classes do you have for fourth block?",I asked and they looked at their schedules.

"I have Science.",Lucy said

"Me too Lu!We have fourth block together!",Yukino pounced on Lucy from behind.

"If I'm right Natsu has that class with Sting...",I told and the two looked excited."Ezra,girls what about you?"

"I have math.",Erza said,looking disappointed.

"Kagura has that then.",I told and she looked a little happier.

"Juvia has art.",Juvia said.

"Gray has it too along with his cousin.",I told her and she seemed excited.

"JUVIA IS ALREADY GONNA MEET GRAY'S FAMILY!",Juvia yelled excited and started daydreaming.

"I have History!", Levy said absent minded.

"Gajeel and Rogue have that class.",I told.Her eyes lit up.

After showing them around for the last thirty minutes of 3rd block,I had people take them to fourth block.

Mira took Lucy and Yukino because she also had that block.She was more than happy...way to happy. Ultear took Juvia because she had art next. Jet and Droy took Levy to History. Lastly Erza went with Evergreen
--Lyon POV--(I'm gonna use a lot of new POVs in this chapter)
I entered art class and sat in the seat next to my cousin,Gray, and waited for class to start.Ultear entered with some girl following her.She's beautiful!

"Gray-sama!",the girl said. Gray-sama?

"Juvia please get off and I told you, no need to call me 'Gray-sama', just Gray will do.",Gray said to her.Gray,I will steal this angel from you!

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