Silver Fulbuster

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A/N:Sooooooooo sorry for updating late again.......I try to update every other day. Anyway GRUVIA CHAPTER!

-Gray's POV-

*Ring* *Ring* "Juvia will answer the door!", Juvia said and headed for the door. Who would come at my house.....MY DAD.

"NO DONT-",I started but it was to late. My father had entered and started to crush Juvia in a hug.

"IM SO PROUD OF YOU SON!THIS HERE IS A LOVLY MAIDEN!",my dad shouted as he put Juvia down.

"",I said sweatdropping.

"SON GIVE YOUR DAD A HUG!",he smiled.

"No.......",I said but he hugged me anyway.

"What are you waiting for?Treat me to breakfast!",he said and Juvia nodded.

"Juvia will cook breakfast.What does Gray-sama's dad want?",she asked.

"Mmmmm pancakes and call me dad!", he said and she turned as red as Erza's hair.

" dad.......",Juvia blushed even harder if that's possible.

"Juvia can you give me and my dad some privacy?",I asked and she scurried to the kitchen.

"Why are you here?",I aksed and he turned serious.

"Well I came here for the exact reason I told you.I'm getting old and I want grandchildren.",he said.

"D...D....DAD!",I shouted.

"Oh Juvia forgot to ask any toppings on his pancakes.",she asked.

"Mmmmm strawberries.",my dad said.

"Chocolate.",I said and she left."Father me and Juvia aren't even dating......", I said a bit disappointed.

"Well Juvia wouldn't mind if her and Gray-sama were dating......",she said coming in with pancakes.

"See son,give the girl what's she wants.", my father said.

"You wouldn't?",I asked ignoring my dad.

"Well.......if Gray-sama wouldn't mind.", she said pushing her pointer fingers together.

" that love me?",I asked and she exploded blushing.

"Yes.....",she mumbled.

"Eeeeeee!",my dad fangirled.

"DAD!",I shouted.He laughed.


"Juvia is happy Gray-sama's dad is here!", she said and we watched TV on the couch.

"Well I'm not.",I said.

"Why does Gray-sama hate his dad so?", she asked.I couldn't not tell her.

"So you see.......When I was seven my father left me alone. So with no one to take care of me....I wondered around the streets.Eventually a girl named Ur took me in.After five years of being with her,my father took me",I told.

"Wow......",Juvia said."Juvia didn't know her parents and was in foster care until she left at age 16."

"So two years ago?",I said.She nodded and we eventually fell asleep.I woke up with Juvia's head on my chest and my father taking pictures.

"DAD!",I shouted an she smiled evilly. "This is going to Mira!",he said.

Before I could say anything,the door bell rang."!EEEEEEE I CAME AS SOON AS I SAW THE PIC!",Mira exclaimed barging into my house.

"What's with the all the noise?Juvia can't sleep.... ",Juvia said as she awoke.Noticing where she was and what's going on, she jumped of me and ran out the room.

"Well that was something...",I mumbled.

"EEEEEE GRUVIA FOR LIFE!", Mira screeched.Then she and my dad begun talking about how much they ship it. I didn't stay to listen, I left to find Juvia.

I found her in her room reading something on her phone."Knock Knock." I said knocking on the door.

"Come in",she told while reading whatever.

"So you okay?",I asked and she nodded.

"Embarrassed that's all.",she told while not giving me a glance."So was Juvia dreaming that yesterday you said that you loved her?"

"Not in those exact words, but in a way, no you weren't dreaming.",I said sitting down next to her."What are you looking at?"

"A book on Wattpad.",she said.

"What's its about?",I questioned.

"A stalker and a stripper.....speaking of a stripper your clothesless......",she said and I went crazy trying to find my clothes."Hahahaha!",she laughed watching me.Once I finally put my clothes on,I sat down again.

"What's the plot line?",I asked looking onto her phone.

"Their from a guild and the stalker is in love with the stripper,but it isn't vise-versa.Slowly but surely the stripper falls in love with the stalker but he realised to late,she had died......right now he's fighting his best friend.Without his knowing one of the youngest in the guild revived her.",she explained munching on a cookie.

"Wow that's deep.......hey if our life was a story..... What do you think it would be called?",I asked.

" about the Ice guy and the water girl?",she said and I shook my head.

"That was plain horrible.....",I said earning a chop on the head from Juvia.

"You try to come up with something better!",she exclaimed.

" about Ice n' Water?",I said and she thought for a moment.

"When you think about that name for a little while it turns very sexual....",she said.


"Not my fault!",she said."So what about you?You have Wattpad right?What do you read?."We then chatted all night long,hand in hand.I'm glad to have met Juvia...

Sup guys!hope you enjoyed!tootaloo! byee~

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