Books At The Arcade

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A/N: GaLe chapter becuz as I mentioned in the last chapter its not summer in the book,its actually spring!So I'll get jerza in the next chapter!

--Gajeel's POV--

I was searching for that stupid Bookworm again. Where can a little girl hide anyway!?I walked all around Magnolia and in the woods. Where is this Bookworm! I was about to give up when I heard light giggling. I walked around a tree to see a young bluenette sitting on an stump. She was with Pinky's younger sister, Wendy. I knew it was Bookworm 'cause she was reading a book called "The Unwanteds" by Lisa McMann. (I love this book series!)

I propped my camera up on a branch and pressed record. "Wendy?" I asked and the girl looked my way.

She was shocked, "Gajeel?" The mystery blunette was now looking at me, with big, round eyes. There was a tint of pink on my cheeks. "What are you doing out here?" Wendy asked.

"I should be asking you that! If pyro figured out this is where you go in your free time, he'll get angry with you AND me for knowing," I told her. She smiled awkwardly at me.

"Oh, I haven't told you my friend's name here!" Wendy said pointing at the girl holding the book. "This is Levy, she's someone I found out here last spring and we meet here every fall and spring!"

I'm taking it that she is The Bookworm. I stared at her until she turned away. "I'm Gajeel Redfox," I reluctantly held my hand out to the girl. She shook it with one hand while in the other, she held her book.

"Nice to meet you!" she said, smiling sweetly. That's when I noticed something.

"Shorty," I said trying not to laugh like a mad man.

"DONT CALL ME SHORTY!MY NAME IS LEVY, L.E.V.Y! GET IT RIGHT!" the migit yelled,furious. I couldn't hold back my laughter after she yelled, still holding my hand. She noticed and let go. That's when Wendy started laughing.

"I'll leave you two alone," she said and winked at us. I swear the whole Dragneel family is annoying.

"HEY CHIPMUNK, GET BACK HERE YOU LITTLE!" I yelled after her as she ran off. Now it was Shorty's turn to laugh.

"Hehe, are all humans this funny?" she asked and I just stood there staring at her in disbelief. Did she just say humans, as if she isn't one?

"Humans?" I asked and she nodded.

"I'm not human!I've lived for a hundred years already with my other goddess friends, Lucy, Juvia, Yukino, and Erza." (I decided to add StingYu!)

"Wait, so are you the girl from the rumor Bookworm? And if so, there's only four rumors, so why did you mention four other girls, other than you?" I asked. Oh, I realized how confusing that sounds.

"I am Bookworm, I mentioned four other girls because they're my friends. Yukino doesn't come out during certain times, she always leaving the house," she answered. House? Great, that just left me with even more questions!

"Hey what'cha wanna do?"

"Hmmmm? Let's see... I've always wanna check out this thing called an arcade, Yukino and Erza are always mentioning it!" Her eyes lit up. I like that choice!

"Of course, it's my favourite place to hang, let's go!" I told her and she put her book in the bag, hanging around her fragile body. While she wasn't looking, I grabbed the camera.

When she was ready, we walked off to the arcade. "So how do you pick what to play?" she asked me while skipping.

"Well I guess it just depends on what you like and what your good at," I answered.

--Levy's POV--

After we arrived at a place that Gajeel claimed to be the arcade, we walked in. Instantly my eyes grew in shock, some dubstep was playing and everywhere there was technology. People were playing different type of games. However, the one that caught my eye was one called "Just Dance." I grabbed Gajeel and pulled him over to where two girls were playing the game.

"Gajeel what is this game!?" I asked, full of wonder.

"Woah, woah I don't dance!" he said. My eyes lit up at the word 'dance'. I love to dance! I walked up to the girls who were about to start again.

"Excuse me, how much longer are you gonna be on this?" A white haired girl turned. She was gonna say something when Gajeel spoke up.

"MiraJane? Evergreen? What are you two doing here, TOGETHER?" he asked. He knows them?

"Gajeel and a mystery girl? Ehe! Oh, and for me and Evergreen being here together ,well, Elfman said that I needed to get along with his girlfriend.(Also adding some ElfGreen action!I think that's their ship name.) So we came here from some friendly competition!",by the the way MiraJane said friendly, I can tell it wasn't a friendly competition.

"So with that behind, Gajeel who's this?" the one named Evergreen asked.

"She's a friend and we came here to play some games," Gajeel answers bluntly.

"So your gonna play Just Dance? Perfect!Here you guys go! Go ahead!" Mirajane said as she pushed us onto the Just Dance boards.

"I DONT DANCE!" Gajeel groaned, refusing to dance.

"Too late!" I said, pushing the play button. Instantly arrows flew down the screen and I danced along perfectly.

Gajeel on the other had was failing miserably. "Haha, your horrible!" The game finished, I got a perfect score. Soon people began to crowd around, challenging me. After 40 rounds, I was done. "Let's go do something else!" I told Gajeel.

"Finally!We did something you want, now let's do something I want!" he walked towards a shooting game. We walked up to the system and grabbed the toy guns. He hit start and we began. It ended with 67 to 69. Gajeel-69 and me-67.

"You stood you own for a shorty," he snickered. I was gonna scold him again, but I saw something that caught my eye. I grabbed Gajeel and pulled him towards a racing game. "Hurry let's play it!" I rushed over and sat down in the blue car while Gajeel sat in the gray car. He looked as if he was gonna puke and he did so after a few minutes of playing the game.

We played more games till the arcade closed. "That was so fun!" I laughed, clutching the stuffed bunny that Gajeel won me.

"Yeah, we should totally come back!" he answered as we parted ways. "Bye!" he called out.

Hey guys did you like this chapter? Next on is JeRza!Maybe the chapter after that would be StingYu!

Don't forget to leave advice and I just wanna thank you readers! Byee~ now!

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