The Truth Behind The Girls

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--Natsu's POV--
Me and the guys walked out the school gate to of course find the girls. "We haft to ask something",Gray said with his bangs covering his eyes.

"First, Gray your shirtless.",Jellal said. Gray looked down a freaked.

Elsa #2 checked around for his clothes then talked.

"Anyway,what's being wives of this celestial king?",he said and the girls froze.

"Girls is it finally time to come clean?", Luce asked and the others nodded.

"Follow us,no complains!",Erza pulled out a weapon,a sword-a freak'n sword.

We followed them to Mira's Cafè.
--Lucy's POV--
We sat the table in awkward silence until Lisana broke it with our orders.

When she left I started."Ok I'm guessing you overheard-"I was cut off by Yukino.

" EAVESDROPPED!",she shouted causing consumers to look our way. "Oops?",she mumbled and sat back down. (She had jumped up)

"Anyway.....the celestial king wanted us to became his wives-",I was cut off again,but by Natsu this time.

"TELL MEH WHY!",he yelled causing the Cafe's attention again.

"Then we haft to go to the very beginning starting with me and Yukino.",I said and the other girls nodded.

"A few years ago after my mom died,I met a white haired girl, her name was Yukino.We would play together each and everyday.One day my father told me I couldn't play with her anymore and I was upset.So the next time I saw her,I told her what my father said.She was upset and I was too.She decided to give me a parting gift the power to control the stars,a simple gift the Angel of The Stars can give...",I said

"YUKINO IS AN ANGEL!?",Sting shot up.

"Well if people keep yelling then we'll cause trouble for Mira, let's go to that abandoned building downtown.",Erza said as the rest of us girls stood to leave.The boys followed us.When we arrived I continued.

"After I showed my father,he was angry and banished me from the house. I walked for days until I bumped into the twelve zodiac animals. They lead me to Yukino, who then decided to give me more powers, so we could be together forever. She made me The Angel Of The Celestial World.There we both met the king.At the time nothing was wrong, we met the the girls and became best friends. Then one day the king told us he was going to make me and Yukino his queens.We ran away with our spirits and the girls.One of those spirits being Loki.",I finished and looked towards Erza.

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