The Rainwoman

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A/N:This is my first fan fiction so plz don't be rude, and this chapter will be a GrUvia start off chapter so enjoy!Next will be Nalu,then Gale, and best for last Jerza!Also if you want any other shipping to happen OTHER THAN ROWEN then I'm fine with adding it. PS I have started editing it, so it will be free of my terrible mistakes.

Gray's POV

  "Hey ,Ice Princess where's Jellal?" Nastu asked.

  "WHO YOU CALLING ICE PRINCESS, FLAMEBRIAN!"I yelled at the idiot as I sent a punch his way.

  "You of course Popsi-!" he stopped when Jellal entered and hit his head. I froze as Gajeel followed Jellal to the main room in our clubhouse.

"Stop bickering and get to business!," the tattooed freak yelled sternly. Gajeel nodded along as if he was innocent even though he usually joins in on our fights. "Now that you've stopped being idiots, let's start our next myth hunt. Any new myths to test?" he asked. His hands were folded and his feet rested on the desk.

Smug jerk.

Nastu had entered the room a few seconds ago, now with the bag of bolts on the couch. I looked Jellal head on. "Its not a myth, but there are these rumors floating around school and the streets," I told.

"What rumors?" the three said in unison. Wow they haven't heard,I knew Nastu was an idiot, but even him should hear rumors.

"You know, the rumors of the girls appearing at certain times only to magically disappear again," I answered looking at our leader, the tattoo freak.

"Tell us about these 'rumors'...," Jellal asked. He was glaring at me. I knew if this couldn't satisfy him, it wouldn't be pretty.

"There's four to be honest. They're called The Rain Woman, Titania, Celestial, and Bookworm.The Rain Woman rumor is about this blue haired female appearing everytime it rains to only disappear when the rain stops. The Celestial is about a blonde appearing at night under the stars, playing with the zodiac animals. The Bookworm is about a fragile bluenette appearing under trees reading a book in Spring or Fall, mostly. Lastly the Titania is about a scarlet haired female appearing during the summer ,mostly." When I said scarlet and summer Jellal flenched. I wonder...

"Ok, grab the cameras. Nastu take Celestial, Gray take Rainwoman and put your clothes back on."

I looked down to see my clothes gone. "WHERE DID MY CLOTHES GO?" Pyro then tossed them towards me.

Jellal sighed, "Ok Gajeel take Bookworm and I'll take Titania. Now here's what I want: first set the camera up somewhere hidden, then interact with the girl if they're there. We'll continue going until either we decide its not true or we have enough footage. Am I clear?" he asked as he pulled a camera out. We nodded.

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