New Founded Powers & Brides

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A/N:PREPARE TO HATE MEH EVEN MORE!Off that warning now,HI guys today your gonna scream and hate me.Or are u?ALSO I HAVE FOUND A NEW LOVE!BISCUITS AND GRAVY LAY'S CHIPS
--Author's POV--
A bright light engulfed the boys and the caves no longer were on fire,were ice,or had steel walls.

They looked around to see nothing, but a regular cave.The spirits were gone.They exited the caves with their heads throbbing.

"Guys did y'all wish for power?",Jellal asked.They all nodded.

"Wait what power did we get? Everyone try something!",Natsu said.

Gajeel decided to punch the cave opening. It cracked and collapsed inward."WOW!",he yelled.

"MY TURN!",Natsu yelled.He pumped his fist in the are and fire came out of his hand."FIRE AWESOME!",he shouted.

"Wait Gajeel punch thin air.",Jellal said and Gajeel did what he was told. His entire fist and part of his arm turned to iron.

"WOH!",Gajeel shouted.

"My turn,mine should be portals since Gajeel got iron and he was in the iron cave and Natsu got fire and he was in the fire cave.",Jellal said.He crossed his arms and quickly did some weird routine. Instantly a portal opened.

"Cool my turn!",Rogue and Sting said in unison.They held hands with each other and swang their hands forward creating a light and shadow blast.

"So we can combine our powers?", Jellal mumbled to himself.

"Well I guess its my turn.",Gray said as he made a stance.His legs apart and his hand making a fist with the other flat like paper right over the other. He made an ice cycle.

"YOU REALLY ARE ELSA!",Natsu shouted.

"ABD YOUR REALLY A PYRO,PINKY!", Gray yelled as they clashed heads.

"GUYS FOCUS!",Jellal said has he karate chopped both the boys' heads.

"Ow!",they yelped.

"Let's go find the girls!",Sting says and they dash off.
--Lucy's POV--
We were all in wedding dresses and were waiting on the guys.

"Juvia just knows Gray-sama will come!", Juvia said.

"We all know the boys will make it, but Kagura is taking this way to hard.", I said as I looked at the weeping Kagura.

"My... beloved... Rogue... not.... my... husband... but... some... .stupid.... king?",she said between sobs.

"Kagura get together, he'll come!",Erza said sternly.Kagura flenched and continued sobbing.

"Hey Lev,you haven't talked since you came are you thinking of a plan?", Yukino asked.

"Huh,what?",Levy turned to see us. She was lost in thought then.

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