(Last Chap W/ Storyline) Fill-Ins and Exerts

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A/N:Hey guys last chaper and it isn't really part of the story!So the next books are......

The truth behind Wendy's and Doranbolt's past: Myths:An Undiscovered Truth.

The next generation's adventure:Myths: The Next Myths.

I will update this book saying when I've published the other books.

-Exerted/Fill-in Scene 1: They're leaving?-

"Natsu,ready to go?",Lucy asked.

"Yeah Luce....let's go.",he responded to his girlfriend. They boarded the plane hand in hand.Even though they were leaving their friends behind without any goodbyes,they know they'll be okay...... Until they get  back and Erza kills them.
"Where's Lucy and Natsu-nee?", Wendy asked looking around.

"GUYS LUCY AND NATSU LEFT US A NOTE!",Yukino cried as she flagged a piece of paper.

"What does it say?",Erza asked.

The note read......
Dear friends,

I know you guys will most likely be very mad at us, but we're leaving! See you guys in a few years!I'm gonna see the world!-oh Natsu too.

Sincerely, Natsu and Lucy

-Fill-in/exerted Scene 2:Michelle and Wendy-

"I can't believe they left me here in this stupid room!With the blue haired brat! After big sis regained her memories they haven't visited me!",I said as she sat on Wendy's shelf.

"Oh shut up!AND stop calling me blue haired brat ya creepy doll!",the annoying blueberry shouted as she threw a toy at me.

"Fine I'll call you mini-blueberry ya annoying brat!",I said towards the little monster.

"UGGHHHHH I HATE YOU!",the blue brat said as she stormed out the room.

-Exert/Fill-in Scene 3: Jellal's son-

"Ummmmm....Jellal?",Erza said to her boyfriend.

"Yes?",he asked.

"I'm........I'm pregnant!",the red haired female shouted clenching her fist.

"Wh......wha.....WHAT!",the blue-haired male shouted before fainting.

(he also fainted durring their sons birth.)

(The son's first words)

"ERZA!",Jellal shouted wanting his wife to take baby Aloise.

"What?",she asked peaking her head around the corner.

"Tak-",the father started but was cut off by his son.

"D.....da",the baby started.

"HE'S TRYING TO SAY MY NAME!",Jellal shouted

"NO SAY MAMA!MA-MA",Erza shouted trying to get her sons first words to be mama.

"M...ma",the baby switched.

"Yes!",Erza victorized.

"No!",Jellal complained.

"CAKE!",the baby shouted making both his parents fall to the floor.

"You got to be kidding me!",they cried.

"Cake!",the baby shouted.

"Cake?okay...",both Erza and Jellal said.

(I love this! XD)

-Fill-in/Exert Scene 4:Igneel & Layla-

"Mama!",5-year old Layla said.

"What is it ,momma's little girl?", Lucy asked.

"Where's baba Iggy?",Layla asked.

"Mmm......I think he's with Daddy!Let's go see!",the blonde mother responded.

"IGGY!",the young girl said as she jumped on her brother.

"Wow,watch it Lyl....",5-year old Igneel said to his umidentical twin sister.

"Hahaha....they are cute aren't they?", Natsu asked his wife.

"Mmhmm.",she responded.

Guys I enjoyed writing this for y'all and hope you enjoyed this!I will update a author's note saying I have published the next books in the series!Thank you for reading and byeee~for now!

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