Mission Mendy/West

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A/N:okay guys so last chapter I mentioned that I was gonna end the book soon which lead to some people upset.But I'm here to tell you that its NOT exactly gonna end. There will be a book 2.So dont get your panties in a wad.

-Natsu's POV-
Luce said that we had to get Mest and Wendy together and get Dan off her trail to get her memory back but REALLY WENDY AND MEST?

"Do we haft to?There HAS to be some other way!",I complained.

"No this is the only way.",she told me and dragged me to where I saw Mest and Wendy having a good time and laughing.

"I'm gonna kill him.",I muttered and continued walking towards them.

"Big Brother?",Wendy questioned as we approached."Lucy?"

"Hey if it isn't miss Lucy and Natsu!", Mest said cheerfully.I'm gonna kill you,you cocky dick.

" Hi?",Luce said confused.

"Sorry I forgot you lost your memory.", Mest said.

"Did I forget something important?", she asked and Mest shook his head.

"Unless you call us meeting important.",he said and she looked at him apologetically.

"What's your names?",she asked then I froze.

"Its nothing impor-",I started but Wendy cut me off.

"I'm Wendy and this is Mest.",she explained.

"WHAT SO-",I covered her mouth.

"No need to shout....or speak.", with that we walked away.

"What was that for?",Luce asked.

"Dont tell them!Ya' stupid or something?",I whisper-yelled.

"Sorry....",she said as she began to tear up.

"NATSU DONT MAKE A LADY CRY!", Wendy shouted from across the parking lot.

"I AM NOT!",I shouted back making Luce laugh.

Well at least she isn't crying...."So time to get Wendy and Mest together?",I said reluctantly.

"Yas!",she said and beamed.She then dragged me out of their sight and we followed them.

"So your actually in 11th grade?",Mest asked shocked.

"Yeah,I skipped a few grades,but not to many.",my little sis explained.

"Your way more awesome then I thought!",he said waving his hands around."That's awesome."DONT TRY TO BUTTER HER UP!

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