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Hey CrazyButSweet12 look what I found on Google chrome!Its Juvia and Yuno!Anyway ITS A FREAKN' MIRAXUS CHAPTER.AND I HAVE 1,000 VIEWS THX EVERYBODY!

-Mira's POV-
I was still in my hospital bed when Laxus entered.

"Hey can you leave yet?",he asked.

"Yeah not for long though.",I answered.

"Great come on!",he said and gave me a smile.

"Come on where?",I asked and he only grinned bigger.

"Its a surprise.",he answered and grabbed my wrist.

"Huh?",he was then dragging me out of the hospital with a bunch of doctors and nurses chasing after us.

"Sorry I'll be borrowing her for a little while!",he shouted back.

"Bye people!",I shouted.

We left the building and he dragged me into the forest.

"Here we are.",he said.

"Wow!",I peared over the edge.We were at a cliff and in front of us was the entire town.

"Mira I know we've only been dating for two years,but after almost losing you I realized something.",he explained.

"What did you-*gasp*",I began but stopped when Laxus got on one knee.

"Mira will you marry me?",he asked and I froze.

I began to tear up,"Yes a million times yes!"I hugged him and let him put the ring on.

"Great I knew you'd find a wife!", Gramps said as he came out from the bush.

"WAA-",me and Laxus shouted surprised.

"Can I plan the wedding with the girls?", Cana asked stepping out from behind the bush.

"You too?",Laxus asked.The two smiled.

"Gramps also invited us.",Warren said as he,Jet,Droy,Ultear,Lyon,and Sherry walked out from behind the bush.

"WHAT YOU GUYS TOO?",I shouted.

"So is that a yes or a no that we can help plan the wedding?",Sherry asked.

"Of course,but first let's tell everyone else!",I said.We might be high schoolers, but we'll wait til after school to actually get married.HA BEAT THAT YOU ANNOYING SEAWEED!
We arrived at the campus and called everyone we knew.

"What am I doing here?Do I know these people?",Lucy questioned as she clung to Natsu.

"Yes these are our school friends!", Natsu reassured her.

"School...friends?",she questioned and Natsu sighed.

"Juvia wonders what this is about!", Juvia told Gray.

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