Jellal & Erza

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A/N:Lol I love this picture.Also who else thinks that the JeRza baby's first word should be cake?

-Erza's POV-

"CAKE!",Jellal and me shouted as we pulled the un-iced cake out of the oven. He immediately grabbed the icing and strawberries so we could top off the cake.Once finishing the final touches, we each cut ourselves a huge chunk.

"Mmmmmmm!",we cheered in unison. We gobbled the while cake down in a minute. "That was amazing!" We got used to us talking in complete unison. No matter how hard we tried to not say things in unison,we ended doing so.

"Well off to prepare for the wedding, which is in a week."we said to each other.Jellal pulled out his phone

J:Well actually why dont you have an apron?

E:Well I just own one......

J:Dont u need one?

E:I was thinking of getting a lace one.....

J:A....A lace one?😶

I looked at Jellal and he must have been daydreaming something good because he was drooling and blushing.

-Jellal's POV-

I was daydreaming of Erza in a lace apron with nothing else on.....

"Hey Jelly..... Come cook with me!We're making strawberry cake!Oh no!I got whipping on my breasts!",she said in my daydream.

I could tell I was blushing hard core. Erza must have figured out what I was daydreaming about because she chopped me against the head.

"HEY!",we shouted for different reasons. She was blushing.......cute.

I dont need a daydream Erza,the real one's a while lot better.Erza blushed even harder for some if she knew what I was thinking.Wait now that I think about it......

"Erza what is your other power.....that you gained.",I asked her.We didn't speak in unison for once.

"Telepathy.....",she whispered.

"Huh?",I questioned titling my head. She blushed once more.

"TELEPATHY!",she shouted and I madly blushed.SO SHE CAN READ MY THOUGHTS?

"YES I CAN!",she shouted embarrassed. That's when I fainted.

-Yukino's POV-

Every since Sting saved me from the Celestial king,he's been acting weird. What do I mean by weird? I mean this weird.

"Oh let me get that for you!",Sting said as he put his jacket over the rock I was about to sit on.

" dont haft to....",I said sweat dropping.

"But I want to.",he said.

"But you dont haft to.....",I explained.

He sighed."You want me to speak my mind don't cha?",he asked.I nodded and sat down on the rock which was now bare."Look,I.......I.......I have a question."

"A question?"

"Yes......Do you do I say this........",he begun,"Do you wanna become.... Well go out with me..."

"I thought we were already dating?",I said.

"Well I wanna do it properly, so Yukino do you wanna go out with me?",he asked.

"Of course!",I said and smiled at my new founded boyfriend.He held his hand out and I took it.Suddenly I was pulled to him and he kissed me.After I got over the shock,I kissed back.

-Kagura's POV-

Its been almost three years since we started dating yet he's to shy to make any moves,except when he's drunk.Also I haft to tell him about that......

"Hey,Rogue......let's go out tonight.",I asked from our livingroom.

"Why?",he questioned.

"Cause",I responded.He gave me a glance before returning his eyes to the TV in his room.

"Fine.We'll stay here.",I said and took a seat next to him.....I haft to tell him. "Remember that night two months ago when you got drunk due to Sting....."

"Yea....why?",he gave me a suspicious glance.

"Well things got out of hand after I returned you home and well.......I'm pregnant!",I said as quickly as possible.

"WHAT HOW DID I NOT NOTICE!",he shouted as he lifted my baggy shirt. "OOOHHHH MAVIS,YOU ARE!WHAT HAVE I DONE?"

"Your....not happy?",I asked disappointed.

"What?NO!I'm very happy....I'm just upset I can't remember that night......",he explained.

"Oh so your happy?Yay I am too!",I exclaimed.He smiled and we hugged.

"So do you know the gender yet?",he asked.

"Genders and no I don't.",I said and he looked shocked.

"WE'RE HAVING TWINS?",he shouted surprised.

"No.",I said.

"Triplets?",he asked.

"No.",I said.

"QUADRUPLETS?",he asked and I shook my head.

"Fithlets....if that's a word."

"FIVE?WHAT EVER WILL WE NAME THEM?",he asked and I smiled.

"We'll discuss that over dinner."

Sup guys!Love this chapter eeehhhh fifthlets!Anyway byee~

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