Lucy & Mira Hospitalised

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A/N:Hey guys time to enjoy Natsu trying to save Lucy...again.TIME 4 U 2 DISPISE MEH MORE MWAHAHA.

-Wendy's POV-
We were waiting for news on Lucy when Natsu was called by a nurse.

"Hey dad,why did you react the way you did when you heard Lucy's last name?",I asked.

"Well because last month while I was away I caught word of a major person dying.He had the name of Jude Heartfilia.",dad explained.

"What!?",that creepy doll thing exclaimed."Father is dead?"

"As I thought y'all are Michelle Heartfilia and Lucy Heartfilia, the missing daughters of Lyla Heartfilia and Jude Heartfilia.",dad explained.

"Guys come quick we can see her now!",Natsu shouted.We rushed over to him and began trying to find her hospital room.When we found it, Natsu stopped us from going in.

"Listen she has memory loss,so she might not remember who I am or that this doll is Michelle.We dont know how much she's forgotten.Michelle I'm sorry but act as if your Wendy's doll",he explained in a serious tone.This is the most serious I've ever seen him be.

"Hey Luce you alright?",he said as we entered.

"Mmm?",she was lying in bed and was scanning the room."",she mumbled.

"You remember me?!",he asked.She nodded.

"I just remember the name Natsu..... that's all....are you Natsu?",she asked.

"Yeah,he's Natsu.",a voice said behind us.It was a bunch of girls and Natsu friends from school.

"What the?",I mumbled.

"Levy?Girls?",Lucy asked.

"Well it seems she still remembers us.",Erza stated the obvious.

"The real question is how much does she remember?",Levy said.

-Laxus' POV-
I entered Mira's hospital room.She was sleeping in her bed.She looked peaceful.Unlike then...
"MIRA!!",I shouted.

"Poor girl,she needed to learn her place....away from my man.",Freed creepily said.

"Get off me!",I yelled as I punched him off.I ran to Mira's side."Mira?!"Then I raced to the phone and called the hospital.

"You still choose her over me?",Freed stood up and ran to me."YOU'RE MINE!"

I dodged and grabbed Mira.I exited the house and closed the door behind me.

The ambulance came five minutes later.
*End of Flashback*

I sure do wonder what happened to Freed.That lettuce creep.

"Laxus....",Mira mumbled in her sleep.

"I'm here Mira.Don't worry I'm here.",I conformed the unconscious Mira.I placed my hand on hers.Then I fell asleep.

-Bixanna.....Lisanna's POV-
I heard Mira got shot and was at the hospital. As soon as I heard,I ran to the hospital at top speed with Elfman, Evergreen,and Bixslow behind me.

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