Gajeel & Levy

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-Levy's POV-
"Sorry,Mira has appointed me to plan her whole we can't hang out today.",I said to Lu who wanted to have a girls day,but it seemed everyone was busy with the wedding.Its been two months since the annoucment and we have five months left til school's over and the wedding.

"Hey shr-I mean Levy does this look good for the menu?",Gajeel asked. I hung up on Lu and walked over to him.

"Finally something more wedding like!",I said.This was his sixteenth time trying to form a good menu.

"Yay!I'm done Gihihi!",he said and laughed as he leaned back.

"No your not.",I said and put three boxes in front of him."You see that computer? Go search for somewhere to rent for the wedding.They're not gonna get married at the school!"

"Alright!",he complained.I just laughed as I exited.We worked for another two hours before giving it a rest.

"Let's go somewhere....Levy.",he said. Every freakn' time he says my name I blush as dark as Ezra's hair!Curse you metal head.

"How about rock climbing or cave exploring?",I asked looking his way.

"CAVE EXPLORING!",he shouted making me laugh.

I smiled and pulled him out of the house. We traveled to the cave at the end of the houses.We arrived and I smiled at him. "Ready?"

"Ready as I'll ever be.",he said.Little did I know of what would happen in this cave.


"Mmmmmmmmmm?",Gajeel was leading me through the cave as we ventured inward.

"Wait,look at this Gajeel!",I pointed to a narrower passage and he grinned. He grabbed my wrist and shoved me through the passage. Right after I made it through,he started to make his way through.

"What to you see?",he asked and I turned around.Wow.The sight before my eyes was breathtaking.

"I see the most beautiful thing I have ever seen.......",I answered. He made it through and looked at the scene.

"I'll admit its amazing, but its the second most beautiful thing I've ever seen.",he said.

"What's the first?It has to be very pretty to out-match this!",I said side-glancing at him.

"You.",he said and returned his eyes to the scene.I madly blushed before turning away so he couldn't see.Oh my Mavis!

"U-uh let's continue.",I said, walking forward into the underground trees and plants.I hear a bird.....

"This place is awesome.",Gajeel said. I looked at him and smiled.

"Yes it is."

"Dont smile like that!Your to cute to take!", he said covering his likely blushing face.

"Hahahaha!Alright let's continue!",I exclaimed making him blush harder. "Your the cute one!" He blushed a red even more dark then Erza's hair.

"Shut up and keep walking.",he said turning away.I just turned around and walked further into the forest.

"There's the end!",I said pointing to another passage.He grabbed my hand and ran to the exit.We walked through into another part of the cave.

"WOW!SO MANY STAGMITES!",I shouted. He looked at me strangely so I just shook my head.

"What's that.",he said pointing to a creature.

"AHHHH ITS A YETI!",I jumped.into his arms and hung on for dear life.The Yeti looked at us before charging.

"ARE YETIS DANGEROUS?"Gajeel asked as we ran away from the beast.

"YES HAVEN'T YOU HEARD OF WHAT HAPPENED IN RUSSIA WITH A YETI?", I shouted remembering the news article I read.

"NO!",he said as we turned a corner. Lucky for us the cave collapsed behind us, but unlucky for us,THE CAVE COLLASPED BEHIND US.We were stuck.Great.

I jumped out of Gajeel's arms and looked around.We were completely blocked off. I fell to the floor and cried."Hey are-", Gajeel started but saw my tears fall so he shut up."Its okay"I was suddenly face first in his chest with his arms wrapped around me.

"I-Its my fault were st-stuck here!",I cried into his shirt.He hugged me tighter.I cried for what felt like hours,and when I stopped,I looked up at him.Our lips were two inches apart.They got closer and closer until we were kissing.My arms wrapped around his neck,tears still running down my face.I'm sorry Gajeel.. I'm so stupid.

The soft kiss turned a rough kiss as we fell backwards onto the ground.I felt one of his arms around my waist while the other was on my thigh.We pulled apart slowly not wanting it to go any further.

"I'm tired.....",I whispered and he nodded.We sat back to back.That's when realization hit me.OH MY!THANK MAVIS THAT DIDN'T GO ANY FURTHER! I DONT WANT TO BE PREGNANT!

I looked up and saw a exit way."Gajeel, I found an exit.",I said and he saw it too. We both had hopeful expressions. Once out if the cave we promised to never enter a cave again.Not saying it was easy to escape,that exitway was small.
We were at Gajeels house taking showers.Once I finished,I walked out with a towel around my body.I saw Gajeel walk out of the other bathroom, that he took a shower in, with only a towel around his waist.We both blushed and turned away.

" you wanna finish were we left off in the cave?",he asked and I didn't know the answer,so I let my body take control.

"Y-yea.",I answered.He smiled and threw me over his shoulder,walked to his room, and tossed me on the bed.Then we continued were we left off.

YEAH GALE!ALSO next is JeRza!byee~

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