Mini Ship Stories

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I'm gonna focus on NaLu and Miraxus.....wait or am I?That's right I'm allowing y'all to decide the fate of this book!

Pick out of these 4 Miraxus:
*Mira heals
*Mira dies
*Mira has some sort of problem
*Laxus gets with Freed?
*They breakup
*Laxus purposes after the whole incident (my personal favorite)

Pick out of these for NaLu:
*Lucy never properly remembers and Natsu has to make her fall in love with him again.
*Lucy remembers after a hit to her head.
*She remembers after a trigger freed her memories.
*Natsu and Lucy move on.
*Lucy just remembers after a few days.

That's it now dont forget to check out my other book Death School! Another fan fiction!ON TO DA STORY!

-Gray's POV-
"Gray-sama,will Lu be okay?",Juvia asked me.

"Of course she has Natsu!",I said."That Pyro will take care of her!"

"Okay if Gray-sama says so.Juvia will believe you.",she said.We walked hand in hand.I never want this to end.

"Umm Juvia?",I awkwardly said.

"Yeah?",she said.

"Well since I live alone and it kinda gets lonely......would you move in with me?Sorry I know its kinda fast,but I want to be with you 24/7.",I asked not even looking at her.


"Ok then so shall we pack your stuff up?",I asked and she nodded.

-Jellal's POV--
"Wanna get cake?",Erza and I said in unison.

"Yes.",we said in unison again.

"This is weird...",we once again said in unison."Text each other?"

(J=Jellal & E=Erza)

J:Which cake shop?
4:34 about.... Saviour Sweets?

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