Caves And The Girls

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A/n:thx for replying to those questions!AND THANK Nekoda13 AND CrazyButSweet12 FOR THIS COMING OUT AT 2 IN THE FREAKN' MORNING!Also before I forget check out EtherealGyptistic 's book,
--Gray's POV--
"Natsu what did Lucy mean?",I asked him while shaking him like crazy.

"Where I learned the name Lucy.?", he mumbled."OH I KNOW WHERE FOLLOW ME!",he shouted.

The sun was on the verge of the water when we arrived.

"GIRLS?",Jellal and the rest of us shouted.

"No sign huh?ARE YOU SURE THIS IS THE RIGHT PLACE?",Jellal was now the one shaking Natsu like he would give him cake.

"Yes this is where I met Luce and learned her name.Now if you excuse me, I have animals to talk to.",he answered. Animals?

He walked up to some animals and began talking.

"Do you know where Luce is?",he asked.The animals transformed into people.

"Yes we do,I'm taking it your Lucy's friends!",the ram-goat said."I'm Aries!",she smiled.

"You here to free Lucy?",the mermaid asked.Natsu nodded.

"Yes they are, Aquarius.",Loki appeared. She looked his way before turning to the others.

"Ready?",she asked and the formed a circle around us.Before we could ask what was happening we we teleported into the Celestial Relm.

In front of us was six pathways. One was ice,one was fire,one was light, one was dark,one had portals everywhere, and one was iron walled.

"I guess we're splitting up.",Jellal said as he took the portal path.

"I'll take fire!",Natsu said.

"I'll take ice.",I said.

"I'll take light.",Sting said stepping forward.

"I'll take iron.",Gajeel then stepped up to the entrance.

"That leaves me with the dark one.", Rogue said.

We entered the caves.
I walked around,nothing but ice.

Suddenly I heard Juvia's voice. "GRAY-SAMA!I'M RIGHT HERE!",I looked around, yet I still saw nothing. "BEHIND YOU!",she shouted and I turned around.I saw Juvia in some kind of ice shard.She wasn't really in it but it served as a window to where she was.

"Juvia!?Are you alright? WHO AM I KIDDING OF COURSE YOUR NOT!", I yelled.She placed her hand on the window and I placed mine over the spot her hand was.Cold huh?Not as warm as her hands.

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