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In India

Maithili...!! Are u there dear..?? Sunaina called out to Maithili, her beautiful daughter who was busy in her practice hall. Yes ma...she said as she came over. Look there is a call for u..sunaina said and Maithili went to pick the phone. She spoke for about five minutes. Later she came to the kitchen...her face was flushed ...she had turned red due to her smile...she wasn't able to control herself any more and she ran and hugged her mom. Maaaaa....!!!!!! She shrieked...her voice showing the peak of excitement...I...I...she stammered. I what dear? Sunaina asked utterly surprised seeing her daughter's behaviour. Ma...i got selected...Maithili shouted pulling her mom to a tighter hug...i will be going to America to conduct the majestic Indian classical dance workshop to all who are interested there...its such a prestigious opportunity ma...I'll finally be able to bring our traditional art form to life teacher will be so happy. !!! She said as she saw her mother crying with tears of great happiness. It was Maithili's dream to spread the Indian classical art forms to all over the world and she was doing thesis on this topic too. From years she had been waiting for this opportunity and finally it had come true. Siya...came a gentle voice behind...she turned around to see her ever smiling father who was too very excited about this happy news. So my daughter will be starting her Maha Sangharsh from America is it..? He asked caressing the long soft hairs of his lovely daughter. How many days will you be away from us my little doll? Asked sunaina who was already sad about her daughter's departure. Ma..this workshop is for three months...i have to train the students with Kathak, Odissi and Bharathnatyam...she said consoling her mom. I'll miss you baby...janak said, holding her tight. By the have to miss me too dear parents...Urmila said from the balcony. Miss you...but why dear...only your sister is going to America..where will you go??? Enquired sunaina who was now tensed even more. What know I and didi were always even I want to go with her....and by the way, didi will need my help in conducting the workshop...urmila said, hugging her sister from behind. Ma...Urmila is right...I'll really need her help...can she too come with me ?? Siya asked making a baby face looking at janak. Ok can take her...said janak smiling kissing both their fore heads. Then the same did sunaina do, with tears in her eyes.

But where will you both stay? Sunaina asked worried. I'm not sure ma....i think I'll have to find a hotel...she said. No need of that...assured janak. Our close family friend, Dashrath lives there in America. I'll talk to can stay there...theirs is a very friendly homely family...

Siya is all set to go for her big project in America...and..she'll meet her Ram very soon...

Stay tuned to know what happens next😊

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