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Maithili, Raghav, Urmila and Lakshman move to the new flat gifted to them by their father. Before leaving the Bidai Rasam took place. Janak and Sunaina gave pieces of advice to their dear daughters and bid tearful farewell to them. One part of Maithili and Urmila were happy and excited to begin their new lives while the other part were as sad as their parents to leave them.

Raghav-Maithili's floor was the third and Lakshman-Urmila's was the second. The first floor was the lobby with a little restaurant, a big hall for the two girls to pursue their dance and a guest room.

Maithili breathed a sigh as she entered her new home. She looked at her husband who gave a warm smile and clasped her hand in his. Welcome! He whispered in her ear. As Maithili explored her house, she felt more comfortable with each and every place. The photos of hers and Raghav's, before marriage and marriage hanged in bundles in their personal bedroom. The space in the middle was left free. She wondered why when Raghav entered. Curious like a child, she asked the same and his answer made her blush. He said it was left free to place the photos of their little symbols of their love and happiness, their babies!

The couples were so tired that even Raghav was forced to rest, instead of teasing and romancing with his beautiful wife.

At 7 in the evening, the four of them met in the lobby, to discuss their future plans.

So...began Lakshman, the first thing is that we'll leave for a relaxing honeymoon....what say Bhai? Raghav to nodded his head, winking at his wife. But Lakshman...Raghav interrupted, we'll not go together... I and Maithili will go to one place and you and Urmila will go to another...he said acting strict. But whyyyy!!? Lakshman asked. Urmila rolled her eyes as she said...I'll explain Jija to him carry on! All shared a good laughter!

I want to go somewhere where we can spend some adventurous time...said Maithili with a dreamy expression. A shocked look covered the other three faces. Adventurous didi...? Are you sure...? Remember you are planning a honeymoon...?! Urmila asked. Maithili with her evergreen smile relied...I know....but I want it to be different...what say dear husband.? Raghav agreed, with a sad look on his face. But he simply wanted to be with his wife and nothing else. Shall we go on a forest adventure...? He asked her. She replied affirmative.

The next morning, Raghav was forced to go shopping with Maithili. He was not at all interested in shopping but Maithili insisted they had to go to buy the right equipments.

After all the shopping, Raghav asked Maithili to wait until he got his bike. She smiled and stood there. A while later, she felt a hand on her shoulder. Thinking it was Raghav, she turned to find the biggest surprise of her life!

Jayanth!!!!!?? She exclaimed. I heard you got engaged...Jayanth said in a calmly evil tone. So..? She asked with fire in her eyes. How the hell can you even think of betraying me..? He gritted his teeth in anger and held Maithili's arm. Shut up! Maithili shouted. I never even loved were the one who troubled me! She said sharply. No...his voice grew more loved me but you hesitated to confess!

What nonsense Jayanth! Stop fooling around and get lost if my husband even comes to know you have touched me, he will not let you live with your complete body! She was just praying her husband would come to save her.

Husband? Jayanth looked you married him!? Now there's no way you are stopping me! He tried to grab her hand before he felt a thunderous punch on his face. Maithili ran to Raghav and hugged him. He shielded her with his arms. Don't you dare to even utter her name again! Raghav snapped as he took his wife with him. You'll pay for this! They heard Jayanth shout behind them....

So...did you all like this part? In any clues how Jayanth takes his revenge? Let me know with ur precious comments😊

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