Pure souls...pure love...

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After the sweet confession, Maithili looked at him, he now looked cuter, more handsome...and of course...more naughty... Her shyness knew no bounds when she felt his warm hands on her tender cheek...he inched closer...closer till his lips were onlt cms away from hers...but suddenly....CRASH!!!! Some thing in the room fell as the lights flickered off again...Maithili shut her eyes tight and held his shirt tight... He too held her back and whispered...don't worry...I'm with u.... He knew this was all happening due to her forest visit... He heard an evil laughter...and then..the same evil voice which shouted....u'll pay for what u have done!!!!

And then...the lights came back and Maithili slowly lifted her head. She looked into his eyes and said...will everything be ok? He replied...there is always a solution to the problem...dont worry...go sleep.... I'm scared to sleep alone...u be with me....Maithili said, making a baby face. Are you sure...he asked... Until our mind is pure, nothing wrong can happen...I trust u Ram...by the way...can I call u Ram...i feel very close to u when I say that...she said, looking down.. I too have a name for u....Siya...he whispered...

The day broke and the golden rays of the sun kissed Maithili's face. She frowned and found herself sleeping on Raghavs chest. He had hugged her tight and had buried his face in her hairs. She smiled...looking at his purity of feelings...she realised..she saw Love in his eyes...not lust. He loved her because he loved her...not because of her looks or anything of the outward appearances. She blushed bright pink and freed herself from his grip and went to freshen herself.

As she came to her room, she found Urmila missing!! Worried to the core, she looked here and there and finally spotted her, sleeping on Lakshman's lap, in the garden... He too had leaned to a tree and had his hands on her hairs. They must have fell asleep fighting...Maithili thought as she giggled and left.

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