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You can stay here as long as you please dear...Sunaina said as she welcomed both of them. Maithili...she the brothers their room. Yes Maa...Maithili looked at Raghav and her face still seemed to be in a state of confusion.

In Raghavs room

Really....project...???!! Maithili questioned as soon as he placed his heavy luggage on the ground. Mmmhmmmm....he said, nearing her. And....should I believe you...? She asked, raising her right brow, with a hint of naughtiness. Suddenly Raghavs expression changed. From a cute smiling faced chocolate boy, his eyes grew intense and serious. Raghav....? She kiss..? He asked. K...kiss..?? She was surprised at his question. Yes....the one I had to have a long time back.... He explained. With a confident attitude, she cleared her throat and announced (quietly) if u have guts...kiss me in front of everyone in my house...but they should not come to know of it....what say..? She asked, knowing that her task was almost impossible to accomplish. Thinking for a while, he replied...challenge accepted!


Janak came home after hearing the news about Raghav and Lakshman's arrival. He welcomed Raghav with open arms and blessed the two boys. You spend time with each other...Sunaina said to the three gentlemen...meanwhile, me,Maithili and Urmila will prepare the dinner.

In between his conversations with Janak, Raghav frequently glanced at his adorable princess ruffling here and there with dishes and things. While he was making his 'kiss' plans, he noticed the chilly powder box was kept open above the little fan in a cupboard. The trio went to the kitchen to see what was happening...Janak went behind sunaina and sniffed the delicious aroma coming from the vessel. Hmmm mm...he enjoyed...this smells so good! Sunaina looked back and smiled at her husband. Lakshman went close to Urmila to see her cutting the veggies with a knife...careful...he mocked...don't play with the knife. Excuse me...she responded angrily... I'm an expert in the kitchen.... Wow....he sarcastically teased again...then it will be easy for me after marriage...

Hmm hmmm...Raghav cleared his throat as he went behind Maithili who was busy peeling the carrot and potatoes. She, without looking at him, smiled to herself. Ready for the kiss..? He asked in her ear. Try your luck....she responded sharply. After all...what could he do in the kitchen...she thought.

Aunty...Raghav called the salt kept here..?? He asked. Not there..!! Before Sunaina could reply, he toppled the chilly powder, making the box falling on the fan and immediately, he closed his eyes. All the powder spread with the air, making all of them close and rub their eyes. Maithili was in terrible pain too...and before she could realise anything, he came close, held her waist, pulled her to him and planted a deep kiss on her cherry lips!

Realising the sensation of his lips on hers, Maithili blushed (still rubbing her eyes !) You won! She whispered so slow that only Raghav could hear it. He smiled his naughtiest smile and immediately rushed to help all of them to get the chilli powder off their eyes. When all was clean, he put on a worried expression on his face and apologized sincerely to all...I'm really sorry...he said...I never knew this would happen...

Don't worry boy...Janak smiled as he caressed his silky hairs. We have experienced the same incident when Maithili was young! Raghav looked at Maithili who was blushing from top to toe.

The next morning...6am

Maithili as usual woke up at 6 and went downstairs to see her mother preparing hot coffee. As per her daily routine, she kissed her mom good morning and swept a tray to her hand. She placed two cups, one for Janak and one for Urmila (she got coffee to Urmila on the days when Urmila woke up very rarely happened as Urmila never preferred sleeping ) Before she could leave, Sunaina stopped her. Wait Maithili...she said as she placed two more cups on her tray. Take this to Raghav and Lakshman too...she ordered. Hearing his name, Maithili's cheeks started to burn, since she hadn't spoke to him after that kiss and she knew she would have to face his antics if she went to him. She obediently nodded a yes and went.

After serving to Janak and Urmila and Lakshman (who was still asleep), she knocked Raghavs room door. He didn't respond so she crept in. She saw him fast asleep with his blanket till his neck. Wow...she this heat he sleeps with his blanket...

She silently placed the coffee on his table nd before she could leave, she felt a jerk and the next moment, she was on Raghavs bare chest (he had removed his shirt due to heat!) . Ra...Raghav....she exclaimed. Where is your shirt!!!??? Was her immediate question. Hufff...he replied casually, turning and bringing himself on top of Maithili...It's too hot in the night sweet heart...he said, looking deeply into her eyes. I need to go...she said looking away, trying to hide her pink cheeks. No...I won't let you go...he played with her....what do you want...?? She asked. Do you need to know...? He asked in his husky voice. Before she could reply, he again kissed her lips, taking her to an entirely new world....💕

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