Cousins forever!!!

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A simple engagement is enough papa...Maithili pleaded and looked at Raghav who agreed with the same. But dear...i do wish that my daughters marriage should be held in a grand way... Janak tried his best to convince Maithili. But uncle, the engagement can take place in a simple manner right? Raghav asked. Fine...all the family members agreed.

Ting tong...the door bell rang. Maithili, lifting her long skirt rushed to open it as she was awaiting her surprise guests. Mandvi!!!! Shruthi!!! How are you!!!? She asked, pulling them to a tightest hug. Didi...Urmila came to ask something and was simply taken aback to see her sweetest friends cum cousins. Eyyyy!!! She shouted and came running to join the little group hug. So...our princesses are getting married is it? Mandvi asked, pulling Maithili's cheek. Oho....what abut your marriage dii!? Urmila asked to tease them back... Umm...shall we come inside? Shruthi asked, changing the topic... So...even you are interested in someone haan? Maithili asked..who's that!?

So...where is our 'honewala' jija? Mandvi questioned. Anyone talking about me..? Lakshman came and put is hand around Urmila... Yes! Yes! We have nothing else to talk abt Na...we WERE talking abt you only!! Urmila sarcastically remarked. Raghav... Maithili called. Raghav...

Wow di...even ur names match so perfectly... Shruthi whispered in her ear.

After a tiny reunion, the four girls gathered in Maithili's room... So...Maithili asked Mandvi...what about your love life cousine.? A guy likes me...Mandvi said sheepishly. Oooo...Urmila from ur collage...?! She excitedly asked. Um...yes...she replied. And you...what abt you tiny girl? Urmila asked Shruthi who was least bothered abt matters like love. "love"???!! Are u serious Milzz...Shruthi laughed off her question.

One more set of guests are yet to come...Raghav stood by the door and spoke in his always handsome tone. Oh yeah!? Who's it!? Maithili asked. My two cousin bros...he replied looking at the two girls, Mandvi and Shruthi...Heyyy...I have seen you somewhere before too...he looked confused and came near Mandvi to have a closer look at her... But I am seeing you for the first time jija...Mandvi frowned.

The door bell rang once more as Sunaina opened it. Um..Is Raghav bhaiyya here!!? A shy boy with another cool one stood at the door when... Bharat..Shath!!! Whoa!! Lakshman came and hugged them both tight. Raghav too joined the hug excitedly. your future Bhabhis..he said as he introduced Bharat and Shath to Maithili and Urmila....and these are their cousins...he said as Mandvi and Shruthi came from behind. Bh...Bharat!!! Mandvi exclaimed... Mandvi!! Bharat too exclaimed as his cheeks turned pink. The others were utterly confused when Urmila decided to make some sense out of it. he the one who has crush on you!!? She shouted...before Mandvi could stop her from saying so, all came to know about the matter. Oooohhhh!!! Everyone shouted!

After a BIG introduction, all were set for the Engagement.

Everything were to take place in Maithili's house itself and hence, the would be couple would get some more room for Romance....😍

Next part: Engagement, Mehndi function....a really exciting thing is gonna take place!!!

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